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具有拘束力的合同就此便告缔结。A binding contract is thereupon concluded.

子于是日哭,则不歌。Sub- thereupon the date cries, then not song.

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于是二人继续向外翻。Two people continues thereupon to extroversive.

老公于是不再追问。The husband is cross-examined thereupon no longer.

年轻人在那里笑着,抚慰着那个女人。Thereupon the young man laughed and caressed the wench.

查拉图斯特拉随即敲了房子的门。And thereupon Zarathustra knocked at the door of the house.

神说在你的身边一直有一个天使,于是我相信了。The god said always has an angel in yours side, thereupon I believed.

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于是找来这样那样的理由,安慰自己、激励自己。Thereupon looks for like this such reason, comforts oneself, drives oneself.

开创者不想看他自己,——因此他创造世界。The creator wished to look away from himself, -- thereupon he created the world.

于是新时代环境下的性行为提出了对性教育中“道德教育”维度的诉求!Thereupon in the new times the demand of "the moral sexual education"is proposed!

这位副指挥官随即加入了深处于深核区域的“最强军阀”哈斯克的舰队。The second thereupon joined "Supreme Warlord" Harrsk's fleet deep in the Deep Core.

家人见状,连忙将他送进急诊室救治。Upon seeing his family, who thereupon sent him to the emergency room for treatment.

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马上回来,集市已经散了,于是鞋没买成。Comes back immediately, The market has already dispersed, Thereupon the shoes have not bought.

之后小伙子去敲钟,敲完钟回到了自己的房间,一言未发,倒头就睡。Thereupon he rang the bell, went home, and without saying a word went to bed, and fell asleep.

于是二人继续向外翻,翻至第99道墙下。Two people continues thereupon face extroversive , turn over till the 99th wall moves downwards.

记者随即表明身份,说明来意,“王大仙”顿显尴尬。Reporter thereupon marks a standing and explains purpose, the of"Wang Da Dun Xian" is embarrassed.

于是召集来了整个蚂蚁家族商量对策。The clan who calls together for having come to the entire ant thereupon talks over a countermeasure.

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神说你可以的,于是我拼了命的努力奋斗,是的我有所收获。The god said you to be allowed, thereupon I went all out thediligently struggle, is I have the harvest.

因此,佛陀急忙跟着瓦库拉,终于在山顶上追上了他。Thereupon the Perfect One, making haste to follow Vakula, succeeded in overtaking the monk on the hill.

有个名叫卡罗尔的人拿出半品脱威士忌,大家为了死者的灵魂而喝了起来。A man called Carroll thereupon produced a half-pint of whiskey, and they all drank to the soul of the departed.