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我现在已经回到呼市了。Now I am back in Hohhot.

呼和浩特保存最完好规模最大、年代最久的喇嘛教寺院。Hohhot best-preserved largest and the oldest in the temple Lamaism.

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从呼和浩特到包头转包东高速向南50公里。From the east to subcontract Hohhot baotou to 50 km south expressway.

呼和浩特市南湖湿地公园是人工营造的大型城市湿地公园,已建成面积达600公顷。Hohhot South Lake of Wetland Park is a big urban wetland park, the area is about 600 hectare.

内蒙古自治区简称内蒙古,省会城市是呼和浩特。Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is briefly named as Inner Mongolia with Hohhot as its capital city.

第二部门,呼市高中央理健康教育工作的调查。The second part, the investigation of Psychologically health education work of high schools in Hohhot.

王先生说呼和浩特公安局正在审理此事,他预计可能会审判。Mr Wang said the police in Hohhot are now investigating the matter and he expects there to be a criminal trial.

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所建立的预测模型能准确预测呼和浩特市紫丁香的盛花期。The prediction model established in the study could accurately forecast the full-bloom stage of lilac in Hohhot.

在农业化较早的呼和浩特地区,农耕文化的渗透是藏传佛教衰落的重要原因。The decline of Tibetan Buddhism in Hohhot district is mainly caused by influence of long-term ago-farming culture.

年深秋某日,在阴山下,温暖的阳光辉映一座传奇般的城市,那是呼和浩特。Someday in the late autumn of 2008, beneath Yin Mountains, warm sunlight shone on a legendary city that was Hohhot.

他谴责呼和浩特科考矿业公司的破坏行为,他还说,从九月份到最终停工,他五次警告该公司。He blamed Hohhot Kekao Mining for the destruction, adding that he had warned the company five times since September to desist.

许多蒙古国居民常到北京、呼和浩特和二连浩特采购商品,口袋里装的基本都是人民币。Many residents of Mongolia always purchase goods in Beijing, Hohhot and Erlianhot, basically RMB is what always in their pockets.

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第一章由集体记忆和呼和浩特土默特左旗蒙语授课基础教育的历史状况两部分组成。Chapter one consists of the collective memories and the basic education of Mongolian teaching History of Hohhot Tomato Left Banner.

内蒙古呼和浩特市蒙飞龙纺织有限公司位于中国羊绒羊毛制品主要加工地区呼和浩特市。Inner Mongolia Hohhot Mengfeilong Textile Co. Ltd is located in Hohhot which is main processing area of cashmere and wool products.

最后,将呼和浩特市回族伊斯兰教音乐放置于其所处的文化语境中加以阐释,并论述了回族伊斯兰教音乐的未来发展趋向。Finally, the author will set and express the music of Islam in Hohhot in a cultural atmosphere, and display its trend of development.

呼和浩特清公主府第,位于内蒙古自治区首府呼和浩特市,是全国第五批重点文物保护单位之一。Huhhot Qing Dynasty princess mansion lies in Hohhot city of Inner Mogolia, which is issued one of important historic building in China.

对呼和浩特市区主要交通干道的交通流及交通进行噪声测量,并针对该市区道路和交通现状进行分析研究。Traffic flow and traffic noise surveying was performed in main roads of Hohhot. The current situation of road and traffic was analyzed.

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本文以呼和浩特市域做为研究区域,主要研究土地利用变化与生态功能效应响应问题研究。In this paper, Hohhot domain as the study area, mainly of land use change and ecological response to the question of functional effects.

就笔者工作所在地的呼和浩特市回民区而言,中小学的学校领导体制存在诸多问题,不能有效发挥其作用。As far as Hui Min district in Hohhot is concerned , the leadership system to manage school won't be efficient because of various reasons.

贾文成,生于1968年6月,中国作家协会会员,呼和浩特铁路局作协主席,职业警察。Guwen Cheng, born in June 1968, the Chinese Writers Association, the Hohhot Railway Bureau Writers Association President, professional police.