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江苏戴梦德钻石科技有限公司,成立于2014年。Jiangsu DMD Diamond Technology Co. , Ltd. , founded in 2014.

说明骨髓移植治疗DMD是有一定价值的,为临床应用提供实验基础。These results give a powerful proof for the treatment of DMD with BMT.

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DMD源于肌肉中一种称为肌营养不良蛋白的基因突变。DMD is caused by a mutation of the gene for dystrophin, a protein in the muscles.

DMD阅暌冠肌肉一一种称为肌营养不良卵白的基因突变。DMD is caused by a mutation of the gene for dystrophin, a protein in the muscles.

这项研究将有达到具体的标准的废话变化调停的DMD向男孩开放。This study will be open to boys with nonsense-mutation-mediated DMD who meet specific criteria.

结果10个DMD家系中的9个先证者,6例为外显子缺失,1例为内含子缺失,2例为非缺失型。Results 6 exon, 1 intro deletion and 2 non-deletion were detected in 9 probands of 10 DMD families.

制作殿堂是主办校园活动而成为各校办活动必联络邀请歌手的机构。DMD is the organization that exclusively organizer the school & college autograph sessions & events.

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本文介绍了一种改进的环氧树脂预浸DMD可溶性树脂含量检测方法。This paper introduces an improved test of soluble resin content in epoxy preimpregnated DMD material.

虽然已知DMD属于遗传病,但无家族病史者亦可发病。Although the disease is known to be inherited, DMD can occur in people without a known family history.

结论初步建立了DMD的无创性产前基因诊断的方法。Conclusion With the use of the method reported, the non invasive prenatal diagnosis of DMD is possible.

肌营养不良蛋白的表达功能恢复被认为是DMD的治疗成功的关键。Restoration of functional dystrophin expression is considered critical for successful treatment of DMD.

家系分析指出所有病人身上DMD基因都来自于他们的母亲。The analysis of the pedigree indicated that all the patients inherited their DMD genes from their mothers.

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本研究结果为DMD的全面性膜缺陷理论提供了可靠的证据。This investigation material supplies reliable evidence for the theory of the systemic membrane defect of DMD.

数字掩模技术的核心器件是数字微镜芯片,它具有较高的分辨率和灰度等级等优点。DMD chip is the core device of digital mask technology, and it has such advantages as high resolve, gray level, and so on.

这些结果有助于人们选取合适的能量函数用于DMD分子模拟,以及蛋白质的设计。These conclusions may provide useful indications on the more realistic Hamiltonian of DMD method as well as on the protein design.

由于苞叶中半纤维素含量较高,导致其产气量和干物质消化率较高,因此,其营养价值高于叶和茎。Because of higher hemicellulose content of husks, the gas production and DMD were higher in the position of husks than stems and leaves.

活组织检查数据显示,注射毒品的肌肉一系列症患者成功地诱导抗肌萎缩蛋白生产的每一个病人。Biopsy data showed that injection of the drug into the muscles of a series of DMD patients successfully induced dystrophin production in each patient.

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获取正常男性单个淋巴细胞和无DMD家族史的单个胚胎细胞,行DMD基因外显子17、19、44、45、48的五重巢式PCR,分析扩增成功率、假阳性率和假阴性率。Single cell 5-plex nest PCR for exons 17,19,44,45 and 48 of DMD gene was established. The success rates of amplification and specialities were analyzed.

病人经常在6岁之前首先年夜下肢呈现DMD症状,随后进展迅速,绝年夜年夜都患者在12岁之前就必需依靠轮椅糊口。Symptoms of DMD usually start in the lower limbs before 6 years of age and progress rapidly, leaving most patients confined to a wheelchair by age 12 years.

对于非常大的投影,如电影院和大礼堂中的投影,系统更复杂一些,采用三个DMD芯片,一个芯片对应一种颜色,外加一个光学棱镜。For very large projection, such as in movie theaters and auditoriums , a more sophisticated system uses three DMD chips, one for each color, plus an optical prism.