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这是念球菌属食管炎。This is Candida esophagitis.

念珠菌是一种常见的疾病,我们的日子。Candida is a common disease of our days.

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啤酒酵母和假丝酵母也能使果汁变质。Saceharomyces and Candida can also spoil juices.

从活性污泥中分离出了热带假丝酵母。Candida tropicalis was isolated from activated sludge.

没有孢子,假丝酵母便能更好地免遭破坏。Without spores, Candida can better avoid getting busted.

有助于保持正常的白假丝酵母菌的平衡!Helps maintain normal levels of Candida albicans bacteria!

这种过度念珠菌的实质是什么酵母感染。This overgrowth of Candida is in essence what a yeast infection is.

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大蒜极大地减少了由于酵母感染念珠菌物种。Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.

大多数妇女都不知道念珠菌感染是一种常见疾病。Most women are not aware that candida infection is a common disease.

然而,一种病态的流动所造成的白色念珠菌是不可能的。However, a pathological flow caused by Candida Albicans is not possible.

探讨大蒜素对白色念珠菌生长的抑制作用。Inhibition of allicin against Candida albicans in vitro was investigated.

糖刺激肠道菌群异常,尤其是念珠菌的生长。Sugar stimulates the growth of abnormal gut microflora, especially candida.

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你可以从安德烈·古尔斯基,保罗·格雷厄姆,坎迪德·荷弗尔的作品中察觉出来。You can detect it in the work of Andreas Gursky, Paul Graham and Candida Höfer.

首先,假丝酵母常常清除一些染色体拷贝以及其他的诸多生物体。First, Candida often trashes fewer copies of some chromosomes and more of others.

实验发现根霉和酵母有获得糖化力高,又能发酵产生酒香味的融合子的可能。The result showed that the protoplast of rhizopus and candida can merge each other.

所以假丝酵母在热血主体中定制了生命的生殖周期。So Candida has customized its reproductive cycle for life inside a warm-blooded host.

结果160株酵母样真菌以白色假丝酵母菌的检出率居首位。The results of 160 yeast-like fungus Candida albicans to the rate on top of the list.

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观察白假丝酵母菌临床菌株的荚膜结构并探讨其形成条件。To observe and confirm the capsule structure of a clinical strain of Candida albicans.

目的研究大扶康、大蒜油注射液对白色念珠菌的作用。Aim To study the effects of diflucan and garlic oil injection against candida albicans.

在显色琼脂固化之前,向显色琼脂念珠菌培基中加入棘白菌素和唑类。We added echinocandins and azoles to CHROMagar Candida medium prior to its solidification.