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布鲁克斯总是利用我的慷慨大方。Brooks always cashes in on my generosity.

你可以称为陌生人之间的慷慨解囊。Call it generosity between two strangers.

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我很欣赏你在这件事上表现出来的宽大胸怀。I appreciate your generosity in the matter.

满溢的喜乐使他们显出丰富的慷慨。Overflowing joy led to theirrich generosity.

然而,我的慷慨也是有限度的。There is, however, a limit to my generosity.

雅各提醒我们,贪财能扼杀慷慨乐善的心。James reminds us that greed kills generosity.

他宽宏大量地接受了道歉。He accepted the apology with great generosity.

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慷慨我并不单指在钱财方面。By generosity I am not referring only to money.

尼赫鲁以他一贯的大度之风作了回答。Nehru responded with characteristic generosity.

这种水平的“豁达”你又怎能理解?How can you comprehend that level of generosity?

箴言也说到慷慨大方的原则Proverbs also speaks of principles of generosity

他的仁慈和残忍都被人们当传奇一样诉说His generosity was legend, but so was his cruelty.

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他的真诚和大度长存于我们的记忆中。His honesty and generosity perpetuated our memory.

她的慷慨鼓励了其他人无私地给予。Her generosity encouraged others to give unselfishly.

饱食和慷慨是否有联系?Might there be a link between satiety and generosity?

基督徒的慷慨大方出自于内心。Rather Christians practice generosity from the heart.

他希望我们创造慷慨的精神财富。He wants us to create a spiritual legacy of generosity.

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慷慨大方也是女孩经济的特征。Generosity is also characteristic of the girlie economy.

真正的慷慨出自内心而非出自钱包。True generosity comes from his heart not from his purse.

你的天国辉煌灿烂,你的慷慨无处不在。Your kingdom is glorious and your generosity everywhere.