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直到最近,似乎雪佛龙公司将占上风。Until fairly recently, it seemed that Chevron would prevail.

雪佛龙提交了一份9,000页的报告来反驳卡布雷拉。Chevron has filed a 9, 000-page rebuttal of Mr Cabrera’s report.

2001年,雪佛龙并购了德士古,包括它的污染案件。In 2001, Chevron acquired Texaco, and with it the pollution case.

还有另外的办法证明雪佛龙便宜,这个办法更好懂。There is another way, though, that Chevron is cheap, one that is more knowable.

雪佛龙称此案被腐败玷污了,并且发誓要使该裁决无效。Chevron called the case tainted by fraud and vowed to get the verdict nullified.

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雪佛龙的胜利可以成为抵挡此类案件的有力的工具。Chevron victory could become a powerful tool in fending off judgments in such cases.

根据雪弗龙公司网站提供的资料显示,彭布罗克炼油厂拥有1400名员工。According to Chevron website provides information, Pembroke refinery has 1,400 employees.

胸前的两道杠代表班长吗?还是只是一个装饰?Is the double chevron on its chest meaning insignia for Corporal, or is it just a design?

无论如何,这项诉讼都可以防止雪佛龙帮助Petroecuador来整理烂摊。But the lawsuit may now be preventing Chevron from helping Petroecuador to clean up the rest.

雪佛龙说,自己做出了适当的反应,并在四天内就堵住了泄漏源。Chevron has said it responded appropriately and stanched the source of the leak within four days.

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他计划11月就雪佛龙公司在厄瓜多尔是否受到公正审判进行一个不设陪审团的审理。He has scheduled a nonjury trial for November on whether Chevron received a fair trial in Ecuador.

奥赖利说,担心全球发生经济衰退是没有根据的。David O'Reilly, the head of the Chevron Oil Company, said fears of global recession are unwarranted.

由于担心可能有更多员工在此次事故中丧生,雪弗龙公司正在清点员工人数。Fearing there may be more people killed in the accident, Chevron is counting the number of employees.

在这样复杂精致的多层锻造技术下,抛光的剑刃呈现出美丽的水波纹或者是人字纹图案。Forged from this intricate folding, the polished blades rippled with chevron or herringbone patterns.

伍尔兹之前是雪佛龙石油公司的执行副总裁,离职后追求变身首席执行官的机遇。Formerly an Executive Vice President at Chevron Corporation, Woertz left to pursue CEO opportunities.

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配对交易者认为市场对埃克森的交易反应过度,因此买入埃克森并卖出雪佛龙。Pairs traders, believing the market has overreacted to the deal, are buying Exxon and selling Chevron.

这笔交易帮助雪佛龙锁定了石油供给,而油价则在这十年剩余的时间里越升越高。The deal helped Chevron lock in oil supply as prices moved ever higher over the remainder of the decade.

然而在2003年阿格里奥法院,起诉人对雪佛龙就此法规提起赔偿诉讼。Nevertheless the plaintiffs filed a claim against Chevron under this law in 2003 in a court in Lago Agrio.