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可见瓣膜尖端有钙化结节。Nodules of calcification are seen on the cusps here.

它经常包含坏死区和钙化区。They often contain areas of necrosis and calcification.

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他们告诉我,我的前列腺里有钙化。I was diagnosed that I had calcification in my prostate.

实验22周时可见粥样斑块形成及管壁钙化。At the 22th week, atheroma and calcification were present.

有些木乃伊钙化的部位竟多达6处。Some mummies had calcification in up to 6 different arteries.

钙化是生物瓣原发性失功的主要原因。Calcification is the main cause of bioprosthetic heart valve failure.

CT上表现为基底核区局限性点状钙化。The CT scan showed localized punctuate calcification in basal ganglia.

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Lieske假设纳米粒子引起初始钙化。Lieske hypothesizes that the nanoparticle causes the initial calcification.

对肾性骨病的治疗会加剧血管钙化吗?。Will the therapy for renal osteodystrophy exacerbate vascular calcification?

CT显示球内高密度肿块可见斑点状或团块状钙化斑。CT showed that high-density tumor mass with punctate or plaque calcification.

在发生穿孔的时候可有腹膜的钙化和假囊肿形成。Peritoneal calcification and pseudocyst are described when perforation occurs.

钙化的轻重与临床表现出现的早晚成正相关。The level of calcification was positive correlation with time of clinical symptom.

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低钙透析液能显著减少维持性腹透患者心脏瓣膜钙化风险。Low-calcium dialysate can cut down the risk factors on cardiac valve calcification.

所有HC患者均有不同程度的主动脉瓣或主动脉根部钙化。In all of HC, there were certain degree of aortic valve on aortic root calcification.

这里我们报告一个小细胞肺癌的病例有着不常见的无定形钙化。We present herein a case of small cell lung carcinoma with unusual amorphous calcification.

文献名称原发性支气管肺癌的钙化多为偏心性分布吗?。Is Calcification in Primary Bronchogenic Carcinoma always Distributed in a Eccentric Pattern?

脑膜瘤的骨质改变和钙化与组织学类型有关联性。There was correlation between histological type and bony change, calcification of meningioma.

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良性骨软骨瘤环形钙化是连续的。Benign osteochondroma cells differentiated well, and the annular calcification was continuous.

④肿瘤内常可见血管流空影而见不到钙化影。Many signal voids of vessel in tumors were often observed, but calcification was not observed.

大体上,肿瘤边界不清,灰白色,可见钙化点。Grossly, the tumors are poorly circumscribed, gray-white, and may have flecks of calcification.