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“作为一个国家”做决定有时候是不可避免的,比如选举和全民公决。Making choices "as a country" cannot be avoided in some cases, such as elections or referenda.

同时还能让我们的选择,从简单的“是”与“否”的二元投票扩展到更广的范围。It will also increase the spectrum of our choices, beyond the binary options of "Yes" or "No" referenda.

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近20年里,魁北克举行的旨在使该省脱离加拿大的公民投票,在那里勉强被失败。In the last twenty years, referenda held in Quebec for possible separation from Canada, were narrowly defeated.

其核心在于人们都很乐意能够通过公民投票和小规模的政府机构来直接参与政策的决定。The idea is that people enjoy being able to determine policies directly through referenda and small-scale government.

笔者认为,公民投票不应该被看做是一把双刃剑,而应该是对人民代表大会制度的有益补充。The author holds that referenda are not a double-edged sword but a beneficial complementarity to the People's Congress system.

在密苏里亚拉巴马州、密歇根州、佛罗里达州、加利福尼亚州和其他地方,公民投票和启动行动正在为2012年的选举而进行。Referenda and initiative efforts are underway for the 2012 elections in Missouri, Alabama, Michigan, Florida, California, and elsewhere.

希腊社区举行票选支持独立,而英国试图镇压任何可能威胁其对该岛的控制的运动。The Greek community held referenda in support of annexation, while the British sought to quell any movement which could threaten their possession of the island.

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投票权和公民投票权必须由法律规定,仅受合理的限制,如为投票权规定的最低年龄限制。The right to vote at elections and referenda must be established by law and may be subject only to reasonable restrictions, such as setting a minimum age limit for the right to vote.

“全民表决”可能会对联邦议会提议的法律提出异议,并通过“公民提议”对联邦宪法进行修改,这使瑞士成为一个半直接民主国家。Through referenda citizens may challenge any law voted by federal parliament and through initiatives introduce amendments to the federal constitution, making Switzerland a semi-direct democracy.

在当今中国政治体制改革中,要走向实质民主,公民投票制度的尝试是非常必要而且合法的,但是具体的制度设计则应该非常谨慎。In the process of political restructuring, attempts at employing referenda are essential and rightful steps toward genuine democratic practice. The referenda law should be designed prudently, however.