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莎娅与九段小学的学生们在一起。Saya with pupils at the Kudan primary school.

有关塞娅的可怕事情是她虚拟的过去。The scary thing about Saya is her virtual past.

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两个卫兵都笑了起来,“回家吧,孩子。”一个卫兵说。Both guards laugh. "Go home, boy, " saya one of them.

图为莎娅的一组面部表情。Combination photo shows Saya making facial expressions.

小夜的最新任务将她带到东京美军基地的一个高中。Saya 's latest mission brings her to a high school on the U.

很遗憾,塞娅现在又回到东京大学做案头工作。It’s a shame that Saya has now returned to her Tokyo university desk job.

九段小学的孩子们正在轻触日本机器人老师的脸颊。Kudan primary school children touch the cheek of Japan's robot teacher Saya.

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莎娅被安置在九段小学的教室最前方。Saya is positioned at the front of the classroom at the Kudan primary school.

塞娅能回答有关以前工作的问题,甚至能回答她是在哪里“出生的”。Saya can respond to questions about previous jobs and even where she was "created".

我心无杂念我所有的空调,我说什么关于使命的人,提前哎呀呀!I got no distractionsI'm all conditioned, what I sayA man on a mission, up aheadAh yeah!

如果通过试用期,她将开始她的全职教师生涯。Saya will start teaching full-time after passing a trial term at a Tokyo primary school.

萨亚里说,伊朗军舰访问叙利亚与当前在中东地区发生的事件“没有任何关系”。Saya says Iranian warships to visit Syria and the current events in the Middle East, "nothing."

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塞娅坐在商店服务台,开始在银座的高岛屋“工作”。Saya then began "working" at Takashimaya in Ginza where she sits at the store's information desk.

这时他骑着摩托车在我的右边&拿出他的手铐一直说“生命城邦”。This time he was riding the motorbike on my right & took out his handcuff and kept saying "Saya polis".

萨亚里透露,这两艘军舰完成伊叙两国制定的访问计划后,将返回伊朗。Saya in the said two ships that Iran and Syria to complete the development program of visits, will return to Iran.

这个机器人被取名“佐屋”,她不仅可以说多种语言,还可以完成点名、布置家庭作业等教学任务。The humanoid named Saya is multilingual, can do roll calls and give assignments from test books, according to The sun.

圣亚会展坐落于南中国的中心、改革开放的前沿地——广州。Saya Expo is located in Guangzhou city which is the center of South China and the foreland of China's reform and opening.

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国际方面,巴基斯坦官员怒称,美国联军今天在边境发起袭击,造成至少20人死亡。Overseas, now outraged Pakistan officials saya cross-border attack today by coalition forces killed at least 20 civilians.

塞娅由东京理科大学的小林宽司于2004年开发,在此之前一直用于东京一所小学的试验。Saya was developed by Hiroshi Kobayashi of the Tokyo University of Science in 2004 and had up until recently been involved in a trial at a Tokyo primary school.

也许只是因为我的日语语调有问题,塞娅似乎被我的简单问题问糊涂了,不管我要去哪里,总是把我指向厕所。It may just be my Japanese accent but Saya seemed rather confused by my simple questions, often directing me to the toilet regardless of where I had asked to go.