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实践证明,该公式是行之有效的。Experiment proves this formular is feasible.

同时对库容提出新的表达式。A new formular for sink capacity was given in this paper also.

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以现代营养学为理论基础、进行产品配方研制、使产品达到医食壁合。At the basis of modern nutrition theroy, a formular for products was studied.

本文导出了一个新的氧化还原滴定终点误差公式。This paper derives a new formular of oxidation-reduction titrating end-error.

公式计算结果与蒙特卡罗计算结果进行了对比。The results calculated by the formular are compared with that by Monte Carlo method.

公式语法能让学生尽快正确表达。The students can build up their own correct expressions after these formular grammars.

文中还以简例说明了该公式的计算步骤和方法。In this paper the process to use this formular is also introduced with a simple example.

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从S矩阵理论出发,导出了复合核非弹性波在核外区被俘获的截面计算公式。Starting from the S-matrix theory, the calculation formular for this situation is derived.

本文提出了一种用梅森公式计算系统传输的新算法。A algorithm of using Mason formular for the Gain of Signal Flow Graph is given in the paper.

该公式具有形式简单,符合性良好等优点。The formular is simple and the calculated result is in good agreement with experimental datas.

采用该算法计算系统传输时.梅森公式中有关参数的计算可以脱离?。The computing of the parameter in Mason formular is independent of the construction of the signal flow graph.

我们对新配方吸附及不吸附的百白破混合制剂进行了人群使用反应及效果观察。We observed the reaction and the immune effect of anew formular for DPT vaccine with or without adsorption in field trial.

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最后,在计算机仿真试验中,可以观测到线性化公式的精度有了明显的提高。In the following computer simulink we draw the conclusion that this method improve Linearization formular precision obviously.

所提出的结构设计基本思想和压降公式对于板式空冷器液体分布器的设计具有一定的理论指导意义。These have some importance to fundamental thought of distributer optimum design and formular reduction of pressure on the distributor design.

推广循环矩阵的行列式为准循环矩阵的行列式,给出了相应的计算公式。Determinant of quasi-cyclic matrix are studied as generalization of determinant of cyclic matrix and calculating formular are given in this paper.

专为易干裂的唇部设计的保养品,含有舒缓因子、润泽成分、维他命及紫外线隔离成分,超滋润的触感,维持双唇一整天水润的舒适感。Special for cracked lips. Include relax gene, moist ingredient, vitamine and UVR formular. Extreme moisture touch to keep lips all day delectable.

并运用该指标体系和协调度公式对济南市环境、社会经济协调状况进行评判。The harmonious development among urban environment, society and economy in Jinan is assessed and analyzed applying the indicator system and the formular.

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本文对一种规则的栅格状网络进行了理论分析,并分别针对两种路由准则,采用递归方法推导出了评价网络性能的计算公式。This paper analyses a regular grid network for two kinds of routing standard theoretically, and derives recursive formular to find the network performance.

在这个基础上针对理解电势多极展开式中的一些代表性问题作了说明。并从一个新的起点开始,导出了电势的多极展开式。A new method of explore electric multipoles extended is given, a formular of electric potential multipoles is derived and some representative problems are discussed.

重点从数学公式的角度探讨了复杂递归问题的一类特殊编程方法及其应用。It mainly investigates a special method for recursive program design and its applications a-bout the complicated recursion from the angle of the mathematical formular.