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秋田犬是柴犬的两倍大。The Akita is twice the size of the Shiba Inu.

芦野公平生于日本秋田县,现居东京。Kouhei Ashino was born in Akita Prefecture, Japan. He now lives in Tokyo.

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吉鹿和我们家毛毛长得很像,看到她躺在箱子里,好想亲爱的毛毛。The dog lying in a box reminds me of my Akita dog "Maomao". I miss her so much.

不公平或过滥的对待训练会导致她记恨你。Unfair or abusive treatment and training will lead to an Akita that resents you.

秋田县政府表示,死伤者的平均年龄为63岁,而老年人占压倒性多数。Akita County said that the average age of victims was 63 years old, while the overwhelming majority of the elderly.

在日本东北地区的山形新干线与秋田新干线等路段,列车与动物相撞事件时有发生。In the Tohoku region of Yamagata Shinkansen and Akita Shinkansen and other roads, trains and animals when the collision occurred.

秋田市约有一百万人口,虽然没有受到直接灾害,但是派出了一个消防队前往灾区从事搜救工作。Akita was not directly affected by the disaster but did send a fire department team to the area to assist in search-and-rescue efforts.

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日本国防部称自己的力量不足以在火箭飞跃秋田和两个北部地区时将其击落。Japan's defense ministry says its forces made no attempt to shoot down the rocket as it flew over two northern prefectures Akita and Iwadai.

本月15日,东北、山形和秋田3条新干线线路曾因电气系统故障而全部停运了4个多小时。September 15, the northeast, Yamagata and Akita Shinkansen lines Zengyin 3 electrical system failures and all were abandoned more than 4 hours.

如果他的父亲是一名工程师,那么这名学生就可能会选择计算机科学或者电子工程学。If his father is an engineer, he'll likely choose computer science or electrical engineering, " said Zhang Yin, 26, at Akita University in Japan.

黑科卡尼,日语又称“kunimasu”,在1940年就被认为已经灭绝,那时秋田县北部的一个水电项目使得那里的天然湖波水质酸化。The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.

在采访过程中,委员秋田县国际交流协会,萨尔瓦多政府和秋田县的数据农委会出席了会议。During the interview, attended by members of the Akita Prefecture International Exchange Association, the state government of Akita El Salvador and the Council of Agriculture data.

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而松崎自己则偏好鸭骨汤和“浪花”拉面,一种手工把乌冬切成细条做浇头的拉面,在日本秋田县有300年历史。For his own meals, he likes to make it with duck-bone broth and naniwa noodles, a type of high-quality thinnish udon that has been handcrafted in Japan's Akita Prefecture for over 300 years.

日本广播公司NHK周日报道,日本航空自卫队已经开始部署部队——以击落进入日本北部秋田和岩手地区的火箭。Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported on Sunday that Japan's Air Self-Defense Force had started to deploy units capable of shooting down a rocket to the northern prefectures of Akita and Iwate.