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每部家庭式双排座小轿车都存在隐患。Hidden dangers lurk in every family saloon car.

我必须把船员召集在大台让你检查吗?Must I call crew in saloon for your inspection?

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他买这辆高级轿车主要是为了撑门面。He bought the saloon car to keep up appearances.

大台的手提式灭火器放的位置不对。Portable extinguishers in saloon not in position.

检疫将在大台进行。The quarantine inspection will be held in the saloon.

他们正在享受免费的午餐——在最后一次机会的酒店。They are enjoying a free lunch—in the last chance saloon.

他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报导。The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage.

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享利开的小餐馆是由一个酒吧间改造而成的。Henry's had been made over from a saloon into a lunch counter.

车行老板彼得·卢申科向我展示一辆丰田家用轿车。Car dealer Peter Lushenko is showing me a Toyota family saloon.

为什么比尔·梅里特的儿子在奥马哈的酒吧里把脖子都摇断了?Why did Bill Merrit's son die of the shakes in a saloon in Omaha?

伊斯顿建议雇一辆专用客车。Easton suggested that a special saloon carriage should be engaged.

你还记得股市沙龙的那个艺术家模样的人说过的话吗?Do you remember what that artist-like man at the stock saloon said?

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顺便到乔·法雷纳酒店里买了一壶鲜啤酒回去。He stopped at Joe Frenna's saloon and bought a pitcher of steam beer.

我岭廓了纽约级乐的酒店,链到乡村峦色的林间空地。I leave the gay saloon of New York for the green glade of the country.

去后舱需要从餐厅的位置略微往下迈一小步。Getting into the aft cabin involves a slight step down from saloon level.

或者,他们可以在梅吉.穆斯沙龙吃晚餐,并聆听现场音乐会。Or they can eat dinner and listen to live music at the Mangy Moose Saloon.

他带着有关珍珠街一家酒店的一则小广告。One little advertisement he had, relating to a saloon down in Pearl Street.

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回头来看,理查小时候在酒吧喝酒的场景。So think about the scene where Richard gets drinks in the saloon as a child.

次年,民主党人在同一家酒吧开会推举候选人。The next year, the Democrats met in the same saloon to select their nominees.

为节省时间,你能将所有船员在大台集中接受检查吗?。To save time, could you gather all the crew members in saloon for inspection?