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我认为这是可行的。I truly believe this is doable.

因为,否则就过不去了。because it's, otherwise not really doable.

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虽然我们不希望这样,但看起来对我们还是公平并且可行的。Although we hadn't expected this, it did seem fair to us, and doable.

专利申请权作为质押标的是合乎法理并且是可行的。The droit of patent application as an inpawningobject is legal and doable.

所以室内设计在色彩上是大有文章可做的。So interior design is doable of there's something behind all this on colour.

那么,为什么在你还在蹒跚学步时,就将你的目标设成巨人一跳才能达到的高度呢?So why set your goals to agiant leap when baby steps might be much more doable?

如今,这对我们来说不算难事,但是实际上,对于许多地区的人,这是无法负担的Now, that is doable for us but that's not affordable in many parts of the world.

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但它行得通,也值得做,它可以促成经典多边主义,或对其形成补充。But it is doable and desirable, and can lead to or complement classic multilateralism.

再加上现今的保险常常能报销,所以每月花个几百大洋就行。Plus nowadays insurance usually helps so a couple hundred bucks a month is pretty doable.

一些作品像这样的电子反措施,桅杆上是可行的对木材车床。Some of the pieces like this electronics counter measure mast is doable on the wood lathe.

本论文的研究表明,基于元学习的多策略协作控制是可行的和有效的。In this paper, researches have been indicated that meta-learning based MSCC is doable and effective.

资产廉价的时候,多买些,昂贵的时候少买些,这样做既可行,也有利可获。Investing more when assets are cheap, and less when they are expensive, is both doable and profitable.

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为应对另一场能源危机,我们应制订一个现实可行的应急预案。We must make a practical and doable lash-up forecast to cope with other conjuncture of energy sources.

这样做完全可行,但是对生手来说有点难,尤其是在不使用盐或醋等防腐材料的情况下。It's perfectly doable but not for beginners, especially as there's no salt or vinegar to help preservation.

最后通过实例对所有策略和技术进行了验证,证明是实用、可行的。At last, all technologies in this paper are proved practical and doable by an example of train wheel strake.

之所以有这种想法,是因为要完成一整章的内容非常具有挑战性,而写出几个段落的内容却要简单得多。The idea of writing a whole chapter is pretty overwhelming, but writing two to five paragraphs is much more doable.

目的建立一种可行的验证方法,对中国药典收载的微生物限度检查法的有效性进行评价。OBJECTIVE To establish a doable validation method for estimating the microbial limit tests in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

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这也意味着,你设定的优先级必须像激光束那样犀利、明确、清晰,同时还需要具备可操作性。This means, of course, that the priorities you establish must be laser-sharp, clear, specific, and most of all doable.

除了简单的模板之外,没有强大的视图框架,但是插入一些其他的框架是完全可行的。There is no robust view framework aside from simple templates, but plugging in some other framework is completely doable.

即时生成的香味或气味会配合电视机里的场景,这就是它的理念,同时它的可行性也很强。Instantaneously generated fragrances or odors would match the scene shown on a TV, and that's the idea. It is quite doable.