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但是,他们后来的行为越界了Well, what happens? They transgress.

你的主确是知道过分者的。Thy Lord knoweth best those who transgress.

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你的门徒为什么犯古人的遗传呢。Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders?

有些人认为大多数犯罪可归咎于对金钱的贪婪。Some people think that the most transgress is avid for thr money.

因为我们虽然违背祢的圣意,却并未否认祢——我们的上帝及救主。For though we transgress Thy holy will, we do not deny Thee, Our God and Saviour.

驱力的迴圈是最好的方法,让主体逾越快乐原则。The circuit of the drive is the only way for the subject to transgress the pleasure principle.

同时关于更换引擎也出台了新规则,谁违反规则,谁就要受到处罚。There are also new restrictions on engine changes with grid penalties for those who transgress.

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摩西说,你们为何违背耶和华的命令呢,这事不能顺利了。And Moses said, Wherefore now do ye transgress the commandment of the LORD? but it shall not prosper.

当人们违背道德从事不法行为,自有法律制裁,限其行为。When people transgress into illegal behavior, there are laws to punish them, and those act as a deterrent.

事实上,俄罗斯继续违反结束这场战争的和平计划。In fact, Russia has continued to transgress against the peace plan which was supposed to have stopped the war.

自出生起,每一位索马里人就有自己的法官,如果他违背了法律,法官就会在法庭上审判他。From birth, every Somali has his own judge who will sit on the court that willjudge him should he transgress the law.

科学实验室的安全条例是基于长期的经验而制定的,如果违反了条例,可能就要付出沉重的代价。The safety rules for the science lab are based on long experience, and if you transgress them, you may have to pay a heavy price.

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游戏开始了在一个非常容易的困难,但正如你在整个游戏逾越,难度明显改进。The game starts of at a very easy difficulty, but as you transgress throughout the game, the difficulty is significantly revamped.

在安提歌尼,我们见到一个将会藐视人类的法律,而且为它死,并非违背神的永恒又没有写法律的女人。In Antigone we see a woman who will defy human law , and die for it , rather than transgress the eternal , unwritten laws of the gods.

当侵犯知识产权的行为具有刑事违法性时,它就成为刑罚处罚的对象,侵权行为人应承担相应的刑事责任。When the tort of intellectual property transgress against the law it should be punished and the invader should take on corresponding criminal responsibility.

而且,如果任何人类法律允许或唆使我们去谋杀,我们应当违反那种人类法律,否则我们必定违反本性法和神法。Nay, if any human law should allow or enjoin us to commit it, we are bound to transgress that human law, or else we must offend both the natural and the divine.

值得注意的是家族这一象征同样适用于如黑帮,或其他激烈惩处所有背叛家规的家族成员的组织团伙。It is noticeable that the family metaphor is adopted by such organized groups as the Mafia, and who punish severely any family members who transgress family rules.

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我们要禁食三天的时间,第四天我们要进到野外的一个洞里,我们宁可死了也不愿违背我们列祖的神,万主之主的命令。Let us fast for the space of three days and on the fourth let us go into a cave which is in the field, and let us die rather than transgress the commands of the Lord of Lords, the God of our fathers.