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接下来我不再用下标e了。I am going to stop putting subscript e.

OYO品牌的中英文脚注。OYO brand Chinese and English subscript.

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你也能使用下标文字上标文字。You can use subscript and superscript, too.

将下标格式应用于所选的文字。Apply subscript formatting to the selected text.

八进制数由一个附加的下标8来识别。Octal numbers are identified by a trailing 8 subscript.

方程式不知道,我用了脚注。This equation doesn't know that P I used a subscript P.

我也可以把脚注,放到QA中。I could have used a subscript A here and put in here QA.

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对于单组分流体,这个下标可以省略。In a single-species fluid, the subscript may be dropped.

一个新的表达式节点,表示该下标操作。A new expression node representing the subscript operation.

创建载体,下标数组,指定循环迭代。Create vectors, subscript arrays, specify for-loop iterations.

下标指标必须或者是真实的积极的整数逻辑。Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

下标O和W分别表示属于未风化和已风化的状态。The subscript O and W identify the unweathered and weathered states.

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与下标和解引用操作符一样,赋值操作也返回左值。Like the subscript and dereference operators, assignment returns an lvalue.

提升/降低的字符将转换为上标/下标。Raised text will become superscript, and lowered text will become subscript.

我们要,注意这个P没有角标,你们很快会知道这是为什么Now we're going to--notice there's no subscript on this P and you'll see why in a second.

在使用下标访问数组时,实际上是对指向数组元素的指针做下标操作。When we subscript an array, we are really subscripting a pointer to an element in that array.

字符串中的各个字符可以通过数组下标符号来引用。Individual characters in strings can be referenced with array subscript style notation, as in C.

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但同时,可以在无需下标的情况下引用“独生子”节点。But at the same time, you can refer to an "only child" node without having to subscript. For example

一般而言,开发商将在这里的红色,以吸引买家购买住房的下标了。Generally speaking, developers will be here by the red to buyers to purchase housing for the subscript out.

如果m等于0,这种情况下,我们叫它pz轨道,我们在这里有下标。If m is equal to 0, in this case we would call it the p z orbital, z so we would have the subscript z here.