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它是习得的行为。It is learned behavior.

第五,赌博行为Five is gambling behavior.

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他的行为令我作呕。His behavior made me sick.

他的行为使我怨恨难消。His behavior rankles with me.

他的行为举止非常温文儒雅。His behavior was very gentle.

他又重演他的旧动作。He re-assumed his old behavior.

你的行为使我们大家丢脸。Your behavior disgraces us all.

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她的行为无可指责。Her behavior was above reproach.

他的优良品行受到人们的赞扬。His good behavior reaped praise.

同步时的特殊行为。Special behavior during HotSync.

他最近的行为使我感到费解。His recent behavior perplexes me.

戴夫奇怪的行为令我吃惊。Dave's strange behavior amazes me.

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我学了组织行为学。I studies organizational behavior.

我们不应当奖励坏的行为。We should not reward bad behavior.

然而,很难说痘苗病毒的行为是自私的。But the behavior is hardly selfish.

她的行为使自己跟朋友们疏远了。Her behavior alienated her friends.

你对他的行为有何评价?How do you comment on his behavior?

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这像是一种自我抚慰的动作。It may be a self-soothing behavior.

这是懦夫最糟糕的举动。This is WUSS behavior at its worst.

别嘲笑她的行为。Don't make gibes about her behavior.