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他的退缩表示他态度有了变化。His retraction predicates a change of attitude.

全新的样品回缩功能,提高切片质量。The new specimen retraction function, improve slice quality.

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根据需要可旋转翼片牵开或放松组织。The blades rotate to provide retraction or relaxation as required.

一旦电机超载,伸缩式吹灰器能自动伸缩缩回。Automatic retraction of retractable sootblowers upon motor overload.

彭博社数小时后就删除了讣告,并发表了简短的文章收回声明。A few hours later, Bloomberg pulled the obit and issued a brief retraction.

我希望在下周的星期日泰晤士报上看到一个突出的头版新闻。I want a front page retraction – due prominence – in next week's Sunday Times.

这将防止伸缩范围退缩这将使这样的冷静。This will prevent the telescoping scope retraction that would make this so cool.

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即使邮件内容已被阅读,也可即时撤回邮件和附件。Instant retraction of messages and attachments even after the message has been read.

操控神经根时,以及神经根的回缩可以损害神经。Manipulation and retraction of the nerve roots which can injure or damage the nerves.

食管收缩量与术后吞咽困难间并无关联。No correlation between the amount of retraction and postoperative dysphagia was observed.

其收放位置既可在车辆的前侧,也可在车辆的后侧。The retraction position may be either at the front side or at the back side of the truck.

这使得近期的房地产信托投资公司的“帮助”有回缩趋势。This allows the near future of real estate trust company's "help" retraction trend there.

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内旋转会伴有肩胛骨回缩及相关的锁骨运动。Internal rotation is accompanied by scapular retraction and associated clavicular movements.

尽管如此,对该欺诈的指控和撤销似乎确实对公众看法产生了影响。Still, the retraction and allegations of fraud do seem to have influenced public perception.

伸展运动的完成,从臀部往脚跟的收缩,而手则贴于地面。Stretching through retraction of the hip towards the heels. The hands are fixed on the floor.

这家期刊随后取消了那篇论文并致歉,但王仍对那场经历耿耿于怀。The journal later offered a retraction and an apology, but Wang is still bitter about the experience.

作者推测,该并发症是由于牵开引起的肌肉损伤的副产物。The authors postulate that this complication is a by-product of muscle damage secondary to retraction.

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因为我们物种认为这是没有必要的,因为我们并不把死亡看成一个终结,而只是一种撤退。It is perceived unnecessary by our species, as we do not view death as an end, but simply a retraction.

持续长时间牵拉造成神经肌肉接头处的损害亦导致肌肉去神经支配。Damage to the neuromuscular junction following prolonged retraction can also lead to muscle denervation.

光的传播所遵循的反射定律和折射定律同样适用于声波。The laws of retraction and reflection that govern the transmission of light also pertain to sound waves.