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从1916年开始,内战就在破坏着这个国家。Civilwars wracked the country from 1916 onwards.

在你迈步前进时把你挽回来。As thou goest onwards still will pluck thee back.

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从那天起,利威林再也没有说话。From that day onwards Llewelyn never speaks again.

这是这个庄园现在的名字。This was to be the name of the farm from now onwards.

从今天开始,我们只能改变我们的行为。We can only change our behaviours from today onwards.

从1990年起,这个城市开始出现了新面貌。From 1990 onwards the city began to take on a new look.

这艘大船继续驶向下一个挂港。The big liner sailed onwards for the next port of call.

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但是从2001年起他们成为了美国的“远处的敌人”。But from 2001 onwards they became America's "far enemy".

从明天开始我们每天都会做点禅修。From tomorrow onwards we will do every day some meditation.

接着我们前往多佛,喝了当天的第一杯咖啡。Onwards we go to Dover towards the first coffee of the day.

从20世纪80年代开始,印度的经济才开始腾飞。From about 1980 onwards India's growth started accelerating.

从即日起保定市将集中清理各种土地违法行为。From now onwards will focus on sprucing up village land violations.

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动态能量回收系统,或作缩写KERS,是从09年开始实行的法规。Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems, or KERS, are legal from 2009 onwards.

只有更高的能量会和你一起从这一点向前旅行。Only the higher energies will travel with you from this point onwards.

这些气体冒出来溶入大气之中,导致了气候变暖的出现。Gas bubbled out and entered the air, pushing onwards the wave of warming.

这些印刷品产生了非常大的编号从约号开始。These prints were produced in very large numbers from about 1425 onwards.

图书馆于二零零六年八月二十一日起恢复正常开放时间。The Library will resume regular opening hours from 21 August 2006 onwards.

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我们发现从女权运动开始,历史上有很多这样的案例。We've found that many many times in the past, from the suffragettes onwards.

星期六我们也很忙,从上午10点到下午1点,然后到傍晚时分继续。We’re also busy on Saturdays from 10am until 1pm then late afternoon onwards.

在美国约从1830年起,欧洲殖民者开始向西迁移。From about 1830 onwards in the USA, European settlers began to move westwards.