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谴责只会让事态变得更加尖锐。Denunciations will only grow more strident.

然而,在最后的章节中,它却采取了更为尖锐的表达。In the final chapter, however, he adopts a far more strident voice.

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我赞同这种看法,但是我想没有必要这么尖锐。I'm sympathetic to that view, but I think it's unnecessarily strident.

拉里粗哑的声音让人听五分钟就受不了。Larry's strident voice was difficult to listen to for more than five minutes.

中国大陆网路留言版的一些评论非常尖锐。Some of the comments on Chinese Internet boards have been unusually strident.

与此同时,CNN却不断被其更为尖锐的竞争对手攻城略地。CNN, meanwhile, continues to lose out to its more strident rivals, in prime time at least.

施特莱夫总检察长随后的微博客的口气显得似乎既不专业又很刺耳。The tone of Attorney General Shutleff's subsequent Tweets seem strident and unprofessional.

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在奥兰身份的掩护下,福图纳开始大张旗鼓地重返黑社会。Armed with Olan's identity, Fortuna began making a strident return to the criminal underworld.

大英帝国强硬地坚持保卫其“帝国生命线”的神赐权利。Imperial Britain was always strident about its god-given right to defend its “imperial lifeline.

然而,这场谈判确实印证了对冲基金或其他怨愤的投资人积极采取行动的价值。However, the talks do indicate the value of activism by hedge funds or any other strident investor.

西方人误以为,中国只会展示出尖锐的民族主义。There are western misconceptions that the Chinese were only capable of displaying strident nationalism.

歌曲结束时,Yorke在一段十分刺耳的吉他间奏后反复地嘶吼。The way that the song ends, with repeated screams from Yorke, after a very strident guitar led interlude.

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尽管中华全国总工会大力宣传,很少有人期望这部法律能成为工人们权益的强硬保护者。But for all the ACFTU's propaganda, few expect it to emerge as a strident new champion of workers' rights.

我找到了更多让自己愤怒的理由,我也因为自己的刺耳的声音树立了自己的声誉。I found plenty more to be angry about along the way and built something of a reputation for being strident.

他力推思想意识形态运动而贬抑社会经济发展,这些总是导致灾难性后果。He pushed sweeping socio-economic initiatives and strident ideological campaigns, often with disastrous results.

去年他和一个聒噪的民族主义者前东京官员石原组建了日本复古党。Last year, he formed the Japan Restoration Party with former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara, a strident nationalist.

一些作家认为,正是埃及这种激进的言辞,妨碍了尼罗河国家之间的合作。Some writers have suggested that Egypt's strident rhetoric has hampered the spirit of co-operation between Nile states.

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这次电话采访是在本周四晚上,长达45分钟,沙浪斯通首先情绪激动言语尖锐,接下来才对自己的评论表示后悔。In the 45-minute telephone interview Thursday night, Ms. Stone was at first strident and then contrite about her remarks.

一种北美洲大鸮枭,胸部有褐色的条纹羽毛,腹部有条纹,叫声刺耳似汽笛。A large North American owl having barred, brownish plumage across the breast, a streaked belly, and a strident , hooting cry.

但是有人认为近来印度的声音变得愈加刺耳、愈加专横了,这或许是为了应对中国日益攀升的影响力。But some say India's voice has become more strident and highhanded of late, perhaps in reaction to China's growing influence.