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运动场。The playground.

他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。He limped off the playground.

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世界是你的游乐场。The world is your playground.

他来到了操场。P19. He went to the playground.

操场四周已围起栅栏。The playground has been railed in.

我们来说,葡萄酒专卖店就象游乐场。To us, a wine shop is a playground.

我们学校操场的面积有多大?What size is our school playground?

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运动场已划块标出。The playground has been blocked out.

学生们现在都在文明用语场上。All the pupils are on the playground.

你喜欢园艺,还是你的孩子,需要一个游戏场?A playground is for the use of children.

成年人在成年人的游戏场竞争。Adult bullies in the grown-up playground.

对于我们大多数人来说,水是一个休养胜地。For many of us the water is a playground.

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想要奔跑吗?可以去操扬。Please go the playground if you want run.

操场上的攀登架很高。The jungle gym in the playground is high.

学生们在操场上赛跑。The students ran races on the playground.

魏芳在操场上干什么?What is Wei Fang doing on the playground?

他们喜欢在操场上跑来跑去。They love to run around on the playground.

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儿童游乐场应当围以栏杆。The children's playground should be railed.

这天堂已经是爱丽丝的游乐场。The paradise was already Alices playground.

在游乐场时,我和孩子肆意攀爬跳跃。We climb and jump around in the playground.