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那么人体模特值得这么冒险吗?So is figure modelling worth the hassle?

做“哈利·波特”有时还真是件麻烦事。Sometimes it's a hassle being Harry Potter.

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一些芝加哥人似乎不想让他们的城市加入申奥激战。Some Chicagoans seem not to want the hassle.

有时指令调度会带来争议。Sometimes instruction scheduling is a hassle.

这消除了任何短期金融困境。This removed any short-term financing hassle.

可不要拿我可爱的小跳跳虎和凯特来开玩笑啊。Don't hassle me about my adorable little Tigger and Kate.

但值得信赖的是这会让你省去很多不必要的麻烦。But trust me it saves you from a lot of unnecessary hassle.

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防毒软件往往只会增加麻烦。Virus protection software usually makes that more of a hassle.

走得像是你将会碾过任何试图超越你的人。Walk like you'll run over anyone who even attempts to hassle you.

这是一个从您的RWIS工作网络中受益最大、低成本、高效率、无争议的方法。A cost effective, low hassle way to get the most from your RWIS network.

松散的电线凌乱不堪,在这样的线堆里面作业实在是件麻烦事。Loose wires are messy and make it a hassle to work inside your enclosure.

想走就走,不带走一片云彩——不喜欢这个地儿?般!嫌房租太贵?撤!No hassle with moving — you hate the area? Leave. Want to pay less? Leave.

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你会去的地方你想去,不停止,在更短的时间,减少麻烦。You'll go where you want to go, non-stop , in less time, with less hassle.

你不必为新版操作系统支付额外的费用,或者遭遇系统升级的种种麻烦。You don't have to pay extra for the new OS or hassle with performing the upgrade.

这可以为他们省去一些时间和自己找号码要费的口舌。It could save them a bit of time and hassle in finding the numbers for themselves.

较大的模型通常被分为几部分来制作,这样移动时能少些麻烦。The larger models are made in separate pieces so they can be moved with less hassle.

当你年少的时候,你的时间比金钱更多,因此去LimeWire淘换免费软件还是值得麻烦一下的。When you are young, you have more time than money, and LimeWire is worth the hassle.

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街道两旁的酒吧老板硬拽着游客们照顾他们的生意。Bar-owners in nearby streets hassle tourists to fill seats in near-empty restaurants.

他说,懒散的老挝人轻而易举就能混过去,但从越南重新进入中国就麻烦了。Laid-back Laos is a snap, he says, but re-entering China from Vietnam can be a hassle.

我们只想尽快地从甲地到乙地,尽可能地减少麻烦。The idea is to get from point A to point B as quickly and as free of hassle as possible.