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不过,他终于找到了那个匿名的恩人,那就是葛拉齐亚。He did, however, discover his anonymous benefactor.

1639年以捐赠者约翰?哈佛的名字重新命名。In 1639, it was renamed after its major benefactor?

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下面,闲话少说,让我来介绍一下我们的赞助人。And now, without further ado , let me introduce our benefactor.

1639年以捐赠者约翰·哈佛的名字重新命名。In 1639, it was renamed after its major benefactor John Harvard.

现在你们的恩人正在敲我目前居留地的门呢。Now, your benefactor is knocking on the door I currently reside.

那个国家的首领这一次伪装出一副施恩者的姿态。The chieftain of that country is disguised as a benefactor this time.

除欧洲外,IMF最大潜在赞助人就是中国。The fund’s most obvious potential benefactor outside Europe is China.

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中国是贫穷的北韩最大的支持者和唯一的同盟军。China is impoverished North Korea's biggest benefactor and its only major ally.

但Shiela和罗德尔被抓现行犯她的政治家的恩人。But Shiela and Rodel were caught in flagrante delicto by her politician benefactor.

所有的证件说明她是一个忠诚的女人支持她的爱人做他所做的。All accounts say she was a devoted woman who supported her benefactor in all that he did.

哈佛大学成立于1636年,命名为约翰?哈佛,它的第一个捐助者。Harvard College was founded in 1636 and was named for John Harvard, its first benefactor.

现在小蒋竟整了他父亲的恩人,把这个鸦片大王的儿子抓起来了。Now, young Chiang turned against his father's benefactor and arrested the opium king's son.

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说了这么多,还没有转到正主上,万分歉意,以下就让我好好说说我那位恩人及再生父母。Said so much, not to is Lord, sorry sorry, let me say well that my benefactor and bernadette.

自从六年前搬家到这里,摩尔成为一个引人注目的公民和捐助人。Since moving to the area six years ago, Moore has become a high-profile citizen and benefactor.

他在担任队长期间找到了约翰·亨利·戴维斯作为俱乐部的捐助者,从而直接避免了俱乐部破产。He also found John Henry Davies, the first benefactor of the club, who saved it from bankruptcy.

陈振聪昨天声称,他在龚如心的卧室里看见过一份2006年的遗嘱,上面立他为唯一受益人。Chen claimed yesterday that he saw a 2006 will naming him as the sole benefactor in Wang's bedroom.

在这个案例中,邢先生别无选择,因为卡里亚帮了他的儿子,这是他欠卡里亚的人情。Mr. Xing has no choice in the situation Because he is indebted to Mr. Calier, the benefactor of his son.

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那个圣诞夜,保罗才真正体会主耶稣所说的“施比受更有福”的道理。That Christmas Eve, Paul truely understood that "benefactor is more happiness than receiver", Jesus said.

不记恩倒也罢了,现在居然还要来凑热闹,也想从恩人中国手里抢夺岛屿!TU would not mind either, and now even the hands of China would like to snatch from the benefactor island!

这些钱大都被交给了警方,但至今尚未找到那些神秘的捐款人。Most of that money appears to have been handed in to the police. The mysterious benefactor was never found.