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看着我,我的儿子,我不爱奢华。Look at me, my son. I do not love pomp.

浮华的金紫,绝非画师所能描绘。Art cannot rival this pomp of purple and gold.

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到时盛大的景象将被严肃的政治取代。By then, the pomp will have been replaced by politics.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

他们举行了盛大而又欢乐的订婚仪式。Their betrothal took place with great pomp and rejoicings.

这是来自于一个世界级前锋的世界级射门,非常壮观。It was a world-class goal from a world-class striker in his pomp.

他来到阿市刻隆时,城里的居民都热烈地欢迎他。When he arrived at Ashkalon, the citizens welcomed him with pomp.

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真正的幸福不显山露水,它摈弃浮华和喧嚣。True happiness is of a retired nature, and enemy to pomp and noise.

给我健康与一天光阴,我将锻造帝王们的奢华的浮世绘。Give me health and a day, and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous.

在这场盛宴里,颁发了302枚金玉奖牌。Amidst great pomp and ceremony, it handed out some 302 gold and jade medals.

然后,他已婚,有很大的排场和显示他的六个大女儿的。Then he married them with great pomp and display to his six eldest daughters.

著名人士的葬礼通常会举办得十分盛大壮观。Funerals of very famous people are always conducted with great pomp and circumstance.

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指声势,指军队的士气和威势。气概,勇力。That momentum. That the morale of the armed forces and pomp. Spirit, courage ability.

她不愿采用华丽诱人的庞巴杜式发型,不戴项链、手镯或鸡心。She forewent the pomp of the alluring pompadour. She wore no chains, bracelets or lockets.

拜伊和妻子认为,虽然他们没有穿上传统的礼服,也没有按照传统方式来举办婚礼,但他们一点都不后悔。Vogt and Beyer said they don't regret skipping the traditional gown, pomp and circumstance.

威风凛凛的高级宠物坐骑不仅外观凶猛,其实力更会让敌人闻风丧胆。Pomp senior pet mount not only the appearance of ferocity , its power will more afraid of the enemy.

围绕着盛况和庆典,美中不足的一点是,新娘太瘦了。Amid all the pomp and celebration, one of the darker aspects to the wedding was how thin she was too.

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沃吉尔最喜欢的网球选手是罗杰·费德勒,他同样在鼎盛时期称霸着自己的运动。Vergeer's favorite able-bodied tennis player is Roger Federer, who in his pomp also ruled over his sport.

由于陵墓教堂规模过小,这些马赛克没给人产生一种空虚、冷清的浮华印象。Owing to the small size of the mausoleum chapel, the mosaics do not create the impression of vain, cold pomp.

英国庆祝女王伊丽莎白二世81岁生日的这一天,伦敦空前盛壮。Pomp and pageantry are the order of the day in London as Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth II 81st birthday.