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我敢跟你打赌。I can stake with you.

新规则对雒海超有很大的利害关系。Mr Luo has a lot at stake.

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我们有太多的利害攸关。Not with so much at stake.

道德上,什么才是关键?What, morally, is at stake?

但是他的遗产问题依然成谜。But his legacy was at stake.

他将桩子竖在地上。He set the stake in the ground.

因为这样会危机重重。because it's too much at stake.

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如果我们失败,涉及的利害关系太大。Too much is at stake if we fail.

对雅虎来说很多事情都处在利害攸关的处境。For Yahoo there is a lot at stake.

他们在地上栽了一根木桩。They planted a stake in the ground.

谁在这个地区有利害关系?Who has a stake in the neighborhood?

男孩把山羊拴在木桩上。The boy tethered the goat to a stake.

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我们这颗行星的未来生死未卜。The future of our planet is at stake.

病人的生命在危急中。The life of the sick man is at stake.

他因为信奉异端思想而以火刑处死。He was burned at the stake for heresy.

这么一决定,我们的生命就吉凶难卜了。This decision puts our lives at stake.

我追上那个误拿我赌注的包办人。I errorr who takes my stake by mistake.

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而且他还被一个树桩给绊倒了。Additionally, he was stumbled by a stake.

现在摩根在这场游戏中下了很大的赌注。Now, Morgan has a big stake in this game.

受伤的飞行员生死未卜。The life of the wounded pilot is at stake.