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它是在阳历四月五号前后。It falls around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar.

“惊蛰”通常在公历哪天到来?When will Insects Awaken come in Gregorian calendar?

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马克罗伯特表示,在公历中,一年365.2425天。Under the Gregorian calendar, the year is 365.2425 days long.

这就是为什么格立高圣歌常被叫做“圣经演唱”。This is why Gregorian Chant has often been called a "sung Bible".

第二章讲述了格里高利圣咏的音乐特征。Chapter Two tells of the music characteristics of Gregorian Chant.

他们中的许多混淆出生一年的阳历出生年。Many confuse their Chinese birth-year with their Gregorian birth-year.

这个节日在每年农历的7月15号,阳历差不多是八月中左右。It falls on July 15 of the lunar calendar, or mid-August of the Gregorian calendar.

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然后脱离阳历铭记陷阱和重新连接同步秩序。Then disengage from the Gregorian mind trap and re-connect with the synchronic order.

以格里高利圣咏为代表的早期基督教音乐,从某种意义上来讲,是西方音乐的重要源头。Represented by Gregorian Chant, it is a significant source of Western music in a sense.

结果格立高圣歌在中世纪末完全衰落。As a result, Gregorian chant fell into complete decadence by the end of the Middle Ages.

这是因为大不列颠采用格雷戈里历代替了原先的儒略历。This was because Britain adopted the Gregorian Calendar in place of the Julian calendar.

给出了一种年月日时干支纪法和公历纪法换算的算术方法。It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar.

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作曲系内容很多,除了专业作曲,还要修读钢琴、管风琴、合唱指挥、额我略音乐、音乐礼仪和拉丁文等。He also takes courses in piano, organ, choral conducting, Gregorian chant, liturgy and Latin.

我们带着一些非常有趣的事回来要告诉你,正如新公历年的黎明。We come again with some very interesting things to tell you, as the new Gregorian year dawns.

在独唱独奏中,对乐曲加以装饰,早在格列高利圣咏中已经出现。In solo recitals, the pieces to be decorated, as early as the Gregorian chant in have emerged.

从格利高里合唱团到福音音乐,音乐有着不可否认的精神层面的影响。From Gregorian Chants to Gospel Music, there is a spiritual aspect to music that is undeniable.

位在亚维农,这间与世无争的修道院被评为拥有最佳歌手的葛利果圣诗歌咏班。Based near Avignon, the reclusive order was judged to have the finest singers of Gregorian chants.

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迪卡唱片公司在全世界找寻能把格列高利圣歌咏唱的最好的女性,最后选择了修女。Decca Records chose the nuns after a worldwide search for the best female Gregorian chant performers.

效果上“罗马穹顶”将阿雷西博的球形碟面变成了抛物面形碟面。In effect, the Gregorian dome transforms Arecibo's spherical dish into the equivalent of a parabolic dish.

在1564年,法国皇帝查尔斯九世正式采用公历,规定每年的1月1日为新年。In 1564, Charles IX, the French king, adopting the Gregorian calendar and fixed6 January 1st as New Year's Day.