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东北高速公路全部封闭。Northeast Expressway all closed.

西冬风,威严力6级。Wind Northeast force Beaufort 6.

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位于中国湖南东北部。Hunan Province in northeast China.

东北地区最棒的销售员。Top salesman in the Northeast Region.

盛行东北和西南风。Northeast and southwest winds prevail.

南锡法国东北部一城市,位于巴黎东部。A city of northeast France east of Paris.

街道东北部城市。Street in the northeast part of the city.

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椴木。东北松及华南的松木。Northeast pine and pine in southern China.

法国东北部城市,位于科尔马以南。A city of northeast France south of Colmar.

这是道地的东北人参。This is the genuine ginseng from Northeast.

东北方向是阿富汗的贾拉拉巴德小镇。Northeast lies the Afghan town of Jalalabad.

他们看到敌军朝东北方向去了。They saw the enemy troops heading northeast.

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向,朝,是,面对或在东北的。To, toward, of, facing, or in the northeast.

它位于在御花园的东北角。It is located to the northeast of the garden.

鳗发现,在东北地区的河流。Lamprey found in the northeast region rivers.

法国北部亚眠城东北一小镇。A town of northern France northeast of Amiens.

可供中国东北大米,请递盘。Can supply Chinese Northeast rice, please bid.

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你们同志们中间谁是东北人?Which of you comrades come from the Northeast?

班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra.

普列文保加利亚北部一城市,位于索菲亚东北。A city of northern Bulgaria northeast of Sofia.