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举重选手常服用合成类固醇。Weightlifters often use anabolic steroids.

这种新的纳米技术仅在同化拉什提供!This new nano-technology is only available in Anabolic Rush!

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而对于合成类固醇,她只知道它是违法的。All she knew about anabolic steroids was that they were illegal.

淀粉,脂肪还有蛋白质都是合成途径中的产物。Starch, fats, and proteins are all products of anabolic pathways.

如果被告向运动员销售合成代谢类固醇,则增加2级。If the defendant distributed an anabolic steroid to an athlete, increase by 2 levels.

它被发现的合成代谢类固醇相比没有任何副作用。It was found to be more anabolic than anabolic steroids without any of the side effects.

这些类固醇与运动员和健美师所使用的代谢类固醇完全不同。They are completely different to the anabolic steroids used by bodybuilders and athletes.

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表明该制剂具有较强的雄激素样作用和同化作用。Experiments showed that water extract solution may have androgen-like and anabolic action.

你了解基本氨基酸的重要性和他们合成代谢对身体的影响吗?You understand the importance of essential amino acids and their anabolic impact on lifting.

给当地的Walgreens药店打电话咨询后,Lewis了解到瓶子里是一种合成代谢类固醇。Calling a local Walgreens, Lewis was relieved to learn that the drug was an anabolic steroid.

妻子检查房间发现里面的类固醇药物,并打电话报警。Mrs Singh broke into a locked cupboard and found the anabolic steroids, and called the police.

它会增强体力和精力,但是最好的,它不会伤害身体比如合成类固醇。It boosts stamina and energy, but best of all, it doesn’t hurt the body like anabolic steroids.

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采购产品香水,糖果,大米,豆类,糖,糖蜜及促蛋白合成类。Perfumes, Confectionary , Rice, Pulses, Sugar, Molasses and Anabolic Harmones From British Dispensary. Confectionaries.

同化拉什洪水您的优化最大肌肉收缩力神经信号发射电解质机构。Anabolic Rush floods your body with electrolytes optimizing the firing of nerve signals for maximum muscle contraction force.

服用非法药物,如合成类固醇,大麻或海洛因会干扰荷尔蒙平衡,导致男性女乳症。Using illegal drugs such as anabolic steroids, marijuana, or heroin can also disrupt hormonal balance and lead to gynecomastia.

通过平衡细胞合成和分解代谢,自噬稳定细胞内环境,维持细胞的存活。Autophagy stabilizes intracellular environment and maintains cell survival through balancing anabolic metabolism and catabolism.

由于其对人体机能能力具有特殊的影响作用,一直是体育界最普遍使用的兴奋剂之一。As their special effects in human functions, anabolic steroids have been one of the dopes which are used extensively in exercise.

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在睡眠期间,大多数系统在动物处于合成代谢状态,建立免疫,紧张,骨骼和肌肉系统。During sleep, most systems in an animal are in an anabolic state, building up the immune, nervous, skeletal, and muscular systems.

促蛋白合成类固醇可以口服也可以注射,是处方类药物,持有并不非法。Anabolic steroids, taken in tablet or injected in liquid form, are prescription-only drugs but it is not illegal to possess them.

我们要采购香水,糖果,大米,豆类,糖,糖蜜及促蛋白合成类。We want to buy Perfumes, Confectionary, Rice, Pulses, Sugar, Molasses and Anabolic Harmones From British Dispensary . Confectionaries.