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甚至伦敦国际原油交易所也没有打算放弃其交易厅。Even the IPE has no plans to abolish its floor.

废除苛捐杂税。Abolish exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies.

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普劳迪博士要废除各种仪式与礼节。Dr. proudie would abolish all forms and ceremonies.

立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.

周恩来呼吁要结束一党专政!Zhou Enlai calls to abolish one party dictatorship.

然后最迟于2016年,全面取消功能界别议席。By 2016 at the latest, abolish all Functional Constituencies.

如果我是国王,我要废除三宫六院,你是我的唯一。If I'm the king, I'd like to abolish harim. You're my only lover.

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现在我们可以回过头来问自己几个问题,为什么一定要废除死刑?Now we can back to some self-questioning. Why must we abolish it?

祛病可以在暗影形态中使用,使用后不会切换状态。Abolish Disease and Cure Disease can now be cast while in Shadowform.

我要求他们不要取消美国服务队,因为他们曾经威胁过要这么做。I asked them not to abolish AmeriCorps, as they had threatened to do.

隆安省可能要放弃一些停滞的工业中心。The province may have to abolish some “stalled” industrial complexes.

这一发现最终导致了维氏对于现象学的放弃。This discovery made him abolish the idea of phenomenology eventually.

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取消遗产税后,最大的得益者是中产。It is the middle class that will benefit most if we abolish estate duty.

1774年到1804年间,所有北方州都同意废除奴隶制。Between 1774 and 1804 all the northern states undertook to abolish slavery.

这场革命还废除了私有制。The revolution would abolish as well the institutions of private ownership.

因此我方认为,现阶段中国不应该取消择校费。Therefore, we believe that China should not abolish the school-choosing fee.

未依前项规定者,本会得依就业服务法规定废止其工作许可。Bureau of Employment may abolish the work permit if you act against the rules.

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相关部门还将清理取消越权出台的收费。Related departments will also abolish the ultra vires to clear out the charges.

因此,共和党致力于通过宪法修正案以废除奴隶制。So the party committed itself to a constitutional amendment to abolish slavery.

废除劳动教养制度,成为一种必然的趋势。To abolish the reeducation-through-labor system becomes an inevitable tendency.