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他胸怀开朗。His bosom is clear.

怀抱婴儿的好妈妈!Bosom baby's good mother!

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放怀就是愉悦。Put the bosom is to dulcify.

从那天起守护着你的酥胸。Guard thy bosom from the day.

我把他视为知己。I consider him my bosom friend.

她感到胸痛。She feels an ache in her bosom.

雨花飘落在它怀里。Upon whose bosom rain has lain.

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溶入了她柔波似的心胸!Into her bosom like a mild wave!

婴儿依偎在她的怀里。Her baby snoozled into her bosom.

我笑著蹭到他怀?。I smile Ceng to arrive his bosom.

你想成为我的至友吗?Do you want to be my bosom friend?

依凭博大的智慧和宽广的胸怀。With great wisdom and broad bosom.

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在日落时分变成黄金一般的颜色。bosom turn all golden in the sunset

在那飘逸的空气里!On the bosom of the palpitating air!

沙科塔是她的表妹和亲密伙伴。Sakota was her cousin and bosom pal.

小丽,这是我的好朋友,茉莉。Lily, this is my bosom friend, Molly.

你的襟怀胸襟有了…Thy bosom is endeared with all hearts.

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胸部丰满、腰细、臀部肥厚。Bosom plump, waist is fine, coxal fleshy.

如何作才能健乳美胸呢?How to do to health milk beautiful bosom?

人生得一知已足以,斯世当以同怀视之。One bosom friend in a lifetime is enough.