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另外也有汉字小考。There are also a few Kanji quizzes.

抱歉我用平假名,我从没学过日文汉字。Sorry I use hiragana. I never study kanji.

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不仅如此,汉字还可以组合去形成新的词。Not only that, but Kanji can combined to form new words.

无法使用当前的字体来输入日文中的汉字字符。Kanji characters cannot be inputted with the current font.

日文键盘不直接支持日文汉字字符。Japanese keyboards do not directly support Kanji characters.

获得关于当前剪贴板里里汉字的详细信息。Gives detailed information about Kanji currently on clipboard.

并且,也请带著你教科书中的假名-汉字版JSL以作为参考。Also, bring your Kana- Kanji version of JSL for your reference.

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汉字是从中国借鉴的复杂的表意字符书写体系。The kanji are a complex ideographic writing system stolen from China.

然而,汉字在日本的发展并非一帆风顺。However, the development of Kanji in Japan was by no means problem-free.

汉字松先生被任命为代表董事兼总裁。Mr. Kanji Matsutani was appointed Representative Director and President.

汉字字根资讯档无法载入,所以字根搜寻无法使用。Kanji radical information file not installed, so radical searching cannot be used.

汉字字根资讯档无法载入,所以字根搜寻无法使用。Kanji radical information could not be loaded, so radical searching cannot be used.

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因为你要知道,英文在日本就和汉字在这边一样酷。Because you know, English is cool in Japan just like Kanji characters are cool here.

在东京时尚街区原宿,一名女孩的脖子和脸上都写满了日本汉字。A girl with Japanese kanji characters written on her face hangs out in Tokyo's Harajuku district.

句子结构的限制也很少,最难的方面可能是读写日本汉字。The most difficult aspect of learning Japanese is the mastery of the reading and writing of kanji.

冲田扑倒在床上,把脸埋在一件绣着“恶”字的外套里。Okita fell on the bed, burying his face in one of these stuid outfits with "AKu" kanji drawn on them.

这中情况在使用象形字体,如日语字体和中文字体时经常遇到。This is most often seen whenincluding pictographic fonts, such as Japanese Kanji or Chinese characters.

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甚至帮她从汉字或其它符号中选择一个更专业的名字.The onee-san will even help pick the maiko's new professional name with kanji or symbols related to her name.

本文考察分析了韩国汉字语和现代汉语词汇在词义方面的状况。The situation on acceptation of vocabulary in Korean Kanji and modern Chinese is studied and analyzed in this thesis.

本研究报告三个失写症的个案,他们显示汉字的失写,但未呈假名的阅读与失写的困难。Three cases of specific agraphia were reported, which showed Kanji agraphia without showing Kana reading and writing disturbances.