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从小就受到父母亲的宠爱,在家里像一个“小霸王”。He looked as if a "little overland" at home.

他们终究还是决定从陆路走。They decided to go by the overland route after all.

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保险应包括氺陆两路啲运输。Insurance covers both sea and overland transportation.

丝绸很轻,且易卷,所以可以走陆路运输。Silk, light and easily rolled up, could travel overland.

向船舶播发来自陆上用户的数据。Broadcast the data to the vessels from the overland users.

草被覆盖是影响坡面流流速变化过程及特征的重要因素之一。Grass coverage has great influence on the change of overland flow velocity.

阮先生会用空运或陆运再把货物运到柬埔寨。Mr. Ruan will then send the goods by air to Cambodia, or bring them overland.

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当太阳下山时,河马就会从水里走到岸上来,找个草地饱餐一顿。At sunset, the animals leave the water and travel overland to graze on grasses.

因此,他成为第一个由陆路从加州返回美国人。He thus became the first American to return from California on an overland route.

孟国和骠国是中印两国间横跨大陆的活跃的通商之道。The Mon and Pyu kingdoms were an active overland trade route between India and China.

联邦政府将邮递信件的任务交给了美国陆路邮递公司。It gave the job of carrying the letters to a new company -- the Overland Mail Company.

大共和国军使用这些开放式货运步行机实现陆上运输。For transport overland the Grand Army of Republic employs these open-bed cargo walkers.

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公元13世纪,马可·波罗乘船,再乘车从陆路,由意大利到中国。Marco Polo traveled by ship and overland by caravan from Italy to China in the 1200s A.

现行地貌单位线计算方法忽略了与坡地漫流有关的滞留时间。The present methods of GIUH neglect any time delays associated with overland flow pathways.

夸特动力船坞把全地形开放式步行机设计为基本的陆上运兵工具。Kuat Drive Yards developed the All Terrain Open Transport as a basic overland troop carrier.

在各种各样的交通工具中,铁路运输是陆上交通工具中既方便又经济的运输方式。Railway transportation is the most economical and convenient one of all kinds of overland vehicles.

本文主要研究了基于FPGA的坡面流流速仪。This paper mainly discussed the design of overland flow velocity detecting instrument based on FPGA.

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壤中流的产生滞后于地表流,产流过程表现出缓慢变化的单峰过程。Interflow lags with overland flow and the hydrological process display as a curve with only one peak.

在莫斯科,曾经有一个令人赞叹的艺术之梯,而今,人们只能对着它的废墟唏嘘不已。There once was a marvellous overland escalator in Moscow. At present one may only roam about its ruins.

一叶扁舟离开了腓尼基,驶向佩加城,该城是通向欧洲各条道路的起点。A small vessel left Phoenicia for the city of Perga, the starting point for the overland route to Europe.