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它们的范围从紫红的桔红色。They range from purplish red to orangey red.

一个是紫色另一个是亮亮的橘红色。One appears purple while the other is a bright orangey red.

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我认为闻起来是有点橘子味,很高兴我也喜欢。I think it smells very orangey and happen to love that part too.

腹部呈橙棕色,往下渐渐变淡。The underparts were orangey -brown, paling towards the lower belly.

这个软件对于想妖魔化独立候选人乔·利伯曼的民主党人来说,是个伟大的创造。This is a great app for Democrats who really want to demonize orangey Independent Joe Lieberman.

一个小时里面,学生们在学校里四处游走,嘴里嚼着它们的橙色新食物。Within an hour, pupils all over the school were walking around, munching on their new orangey treats.

枸杞色呈黄橙色或红棕色,外表似干瘪的葡萄,又有小红梅的硬度。An orangey red color, the berries resemble shriveled grape tomatoes and have the consistency of cranberries.

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我在纽约的史泰登岛长大,在那明亮的桔黄色的街灯灯光里,几乎看不清什么夜空。Growing up in Staten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orangey glow of streetlights.

饮用时,口感中厚带有明显的柑橘巧克力风味以及些许的花香和焦糖香。Medium to full body with orangey chocolate notes and hints of flowers and caramel. The fruit toned chocolate persists in the bittersweet finish.

突然的曝光反而把喷泉上方的天空变成了飘渺的带橘的粉红色,为一个热门的观光胜地拍出了一张动人的照片。Instead, sudden exposure to light changed the sky above the fountain to an ethereal orangey pink, making a striking photo of a popular tourist attraction.

这种独特配制的巧克力浓郁香醇,橘味甘美,加上那入口即溶、细腻精巧的感受,可谓妙不可言。It's the unique blend of rich chocolate and deliciously orangey flavors, together with that melt-in-the-mouth quality, that gives the Terry's Chocolate Orange Bar its delectably decadent feel.