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飘流世上一梦千年?Fugue world dream of a millennium?

列子把人类的梦,看成是神游。Liezi mankind's dream, as a fugue.

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我要给你演奏巴赫的一首赋格曲。I'm going to play you a Bach fugue.

你能把这个赋格曲转换成G大调吗。Can you transpose this fugue into G major?

我完成了我的托卡塔但是我没有赋格。I've finished my Toccata but I have no fugue.

这几天她将把巴赫的赋格曲分成旋律分句。She will phrase fugue of Bach's in these days.

这几天她将把巴赫的赋格曲分成旋律分句。She will phrase a fugue of Bach's in these days.

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可有神游症、夜游症等自动症表现。May have fugue disorder, psychosis automatism night performance.

我知道,我刚才失忆了,这在医学中称为间歇性失忆。I know, I lose my memory at that moment, this is called "instant fugue".

十五首降E大调原主题变奏和赋格曲,作品35,“英雄”Variations and a Fugue on an Original Theme in E flat major, Op. 35, roica.

赋格是一种用对位法写作的作品体裁,有特定数量的声部。句中的。Fugue is a type of contrapuntal compositions for particular number of parts or voices.

这样的情景总是想叫人摸着凸显的锁骨,神游在褶皱四起的昨天。This scene always feeling like Jiaoren prominent collarbone, fugue in four of the last fold.

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写这篇文章时,我脑子里仍然是舒曼最后乐章结尾处的赋格曲。As I write, my head is still full of the fugue at the end of the last movement of the Schumann.

此曲是巴赫组织最为严密高效的前奏曲与赋格之一。It is one of Bach's most tightly organized and yet viscerally effective prelude and fugue pairs.

我常常在梦里神游我成为了一名校长,处理着各种学校事务,为学生们忙活着。I often dream fugue , I became a school principal, to deal with a variety of school for students.

本文通过对贝多芬第三交响曲里“交响变奏中的赋格精神”的解读,感受赋格段技法的典范。Through decoding "spirit of fugue in variation of symphony", we can see fugue nonesuch in his symphony.

相反,由于陷入了一种成就感所带来的淡淡欣喜之中,上帝兴奋起来,继续埋头苦干。Instead, driven into a kind of ecstatic fugue state by the labours of His Creation, God continued to work.

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约翰和巴基份额,爱情,以及从事吉他独奏,在他们的新的合作家庭赋格。John and Bucky share that love, as well as engaging guitar solos, on their new collaboration Family Fugue.

这里列子把梦与想等同起来,想是日间的神行,梦是眠时的神游。Here Lie Zi to dream and want to equate thinks it is the god of day trip, when the dreams are sleeping fugue.

任何两首不同风格之史卡拉第奏鸣曲或巴赫“四十八首十二平均律钢琴曲集”之任何一首。SCARLATTI any two contrasting sonatas of your own choice or BACH any one "Well Tempered Clavier" Prelude and Fugue.