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上帝在神智学的犹太法典。God in the Theosophy of the Talmud.

犹太人研究了塔尔穆德为一个伟大的原因有很多。Jews have studied the Talmud for a great variety of reasons.

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塔木德没有明确提到基督教或者耶稣。The Talmud makes no clear reference to Jesus or Christianity.

信仰立基于基督教的旧约全书和犹太法典的犹太教派。Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud.

对一些人来说,一旦涉及中国的经济数据,就仿佛研究犹太经典般让人头晕。For some, wading through Chinese economic data is like wrapping your head around the Talmud.

除了圣经,塔木德经是犹太人生活和信仰各方面最重要的行为规范。Aside from the Bible, the Talmud is the sole authority on many aspects of Jewish life and religious practice.

但是,以我们独特的概念,正规,它是一个现代的概念,甚至连犹太法典既没有证据证明它。But as to our distinct concept of canonicity , it is a modern idea, and even the Talmud gives no evidence of it.

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不严格遵守犹太法典但为适应现代世界设法去改变所有的犹太教的历史形式的犹太教派。Jews who do not follow the Talmud strictly but try to adapt all of the historical forms of Judaism to the modern world.

我宁愿相信使徒行传,犹太经典和古兰经中的寓言和神话,也不能相信这宇宙只是躯壳,却没有一个作为主宰的精神和灵魂。I had rather believe all the fables in the Legend, and the Talmud , and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind.

起源记和犹太法典两者都提到巨人族,他们愤恨上帝消灭了他们的祖先、干预人类事务。Genesis and the Talmud both suggest that the Giants, who resented God for destroying their ancestors , meddled in the affairs of mankind.

塔姆德禁止以一个生命为代价挽救另一个,你怎么知道他的生命就比他邻居的生命更宝贵呢。The Talmud forbids saving one's life at the expense of another by asking how one knows that his life is more valuable than his neighbor's.

上帝祝福犹太人在敌对者的汪洋中幸存下来是基于犹太人强烈的朵拉塔木德学习。It is only in the merit of intense Torah and Talmud learning that God grants the Jews the blessings of survival in a sea of hostile enemies.

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自孩童时代我便受到圣经和塔木德经的教导。我是一个犹太教徒,但是我却对基督这个闪光人物着迷。As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene.

从犹太法典与学术考证到书籍俱乐部和页边旁注,几个世纪以来,人们一直有给书做评论和注解的习惯。Books have a centuries-old tradition of annotation and commentary, ranging from the Talmud and scholarly criticism to book clubs and marginalia.

犹太人较易成功是因民族的传统与文化传承,这也是旧约圣经与犹太法典一直是犹太人生活上的智慧指引的原因。Jewish people were rather successful because of their tradition and cultural heritage, and the Old Testament and the Talmud that were the guide of wisdom in life of Jewish people.