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墨西哥的一种用玉米做的食物,如图。Ask them to put a nacho cheese on the popcorn.

奈奇和他的搭档很快就赚进大把钞票。Soon, Nacho and his partner are making a lot of money.

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奈奇在墨西哥的修道院中长大,现在则是里面的厨师。Nacho was raised in a Mexican monastery and now he is the cook.

奈奇也想赢得一位到院不久的修女的芳心。Nacho also wants to win the heart of a nun who has just arrived.

吃一些零食,例如一大盘玉米片或是一些分层的玉米面卷。Serve fun snack foods like a big nacho platter or a layered taco dip.

某日在城里,奈奇在街上看到一位职业摔角冠军。One day while in town, Nacho sees a champion professional wrestler on the street.

这部简短的恐怖电影由纳乔·赛达导演,整部电影没有任何对白。This short horror film is directed by Nacho Cerdà and doesn't actually feature any dialogue.

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这张上周四陈列在台北一家大卖场架上的照片,是一袋袋超浓起司口味的「多力多滋」。Bags of Nacho Cheesier Doritos are shown on the shelf of a local supermarket in Taipei last Thursday.

奈奇决定参加摔角比赛,看他是否能帮修道院解决金钱问题。Nacho decides to join a wrestling tournament and see if he can help save the monastery from its money problems.

纳曹是卢思克罗俱乐部的教练,这家俱乐部在塔里法主要进行水上运动,是海滩上的两所滑浪学校之一。Nacho is an instructor at Club Luscrow, one of the two surf schools on Tariffa's main water sport beach, Puenta Paloma.

纳乔选择寻找内在的自我,他从印度回来后完全受到了精神和谐的影响。Nacho opts for searching for his inner self. He comes back from India totally "contaminated" by spirituality and harmony.

墨西哥政府宣称,保安部队已杀死伊格纳希欧·纳丘·柯罗内尔,锡那罗亚州贩毒集团一位顶级人物。The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel.

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有些来自马奎兹练习营的未经证明的报道----暗示块头的增加已经降低了他的速度、并且这已使教练博瑞斯坦感到忧虑。Some unverified reports out of Marquez's camp suggest that the added bulk has slowed him down enough to concern his trainer Nacho Beristain.