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学习的爱,退隐的角落。The love of learning, the sequestered nooks.

它们被隔离在硅树脂层之间。They're sequestered between layers of silicone.

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它们被层层的硅树脂所隔开。They’re sequestered between layers of silicone.

他们在幽静的藤架下拥坐在一起。They sit close together in the sequestered pergola.

只有一小群隔离开来的种鱼可以保持为二倍体。Only a small, sequestered breeding stock is allowed to remain diploid.

之前,大多数美国军队驻扎在五个巨型军事基地。Previously, most U.S. troops had been sequestered in five huge military bases.

帕尔帕廷隐居比斯,重建军力和他的帝国。Palpatine remained sequestered at Byss while he rebuilt his strength, and his Empire.

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组织学检查诊断出块状病变为背侧隐性椎间盘突出。Histologically, the mass lesion was diagnosed as a dorsally sequestered disc herniation.

这类聚会能提供“这个世界上最隐秘的领导人圈子”的准入证。What they offer is access to "some of the world's most sequestered and elusive leaders".

NPR1基因被扣押在细胞质中,通过分子间二硫键的低聚物。NPR1 is sequestered in the cytoplasm as an oligomer through intermolecular disulfide bonds.

用一个取样器把土壤收集起来,以确定固存在里面的有机碳的含量。Soil is collected with a probe to determine the amount of organic carbon sequestered in it.

该封面故事还着重描绘了地处偏僻小国的多姿多彩,时代悠久的传统。John Scofield's picture story highlights the color and enduring traditions of the sequestered nation.

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其体内积累的从大气中分离出的碳,直至其终生。Carbon accumulated in their bodies is sequestered out of the atmosphere for the life of the animal.

在骗局即将曝光的最后那段时间里,他隐居在斯德哥尔摩的公司总部大楼里,以避开任何不速之客。For days on end, he sequestered himself in his Stockholm headquarters and warded off unwanted visitors.

一个把自己隔绝在办公室角落的领导正错过几层楼下的精彩的讨论。A leader who is sequestered in a corner office is missing out on the rich discussions bubbling a few floors below.

离乡背井者被隔绝在贫民窟中,对此,某些当地居民将其称为“集中营”。The displaced have been sequestered in shantytowns that some residents reportedly describe as concentration camps.

吴教授说,所有实验者都只被隔离了10天,这只是一段相对短的时间。Wu notes that the participants were sequestered for only 10 days, which is a relatively short time period of time.

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阿纳金护送帕德梅回纳布,当绝地对暗杀事件进行调查时,她在那里会比较安全。Anakin escorted Padmé to Naboo, where she would be sequestered while the Jedi investigated the attacks against her.

他推断,青春期提前的主要原因可能是身体超重和肥胖,因为雌性激素可以隐藏在脂肪组织中。He speculates that its primary driver may be overweight and obesity, because estrogen is sequestered in fat tissue.

本月初,“新星号”货船因涉嫌走私,在俄罗斯纳霍德卡港被扣押。New Star, the cargo ship, was sequestered at the Russian port of Nakhodka earlier this month for alleged smuggling.