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看起来简直就像19世纪东方绘画。It looks like it came straight out of some 19th century orientalist painting.

如果我真的是一个东方学者或种族主义者,管理员早就把我封号了。If I am really a Orientalist or racist, the administrator already kick me out.

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但在另外一方面,她却身陷东方论述的泥沼中,无法逃脱。On the other, she is trapped within an Orientalist discourse she cannot escape.

黄哲伦通过伽利玛这一艺术形象,有力地颠覆了西方文化中长久积淀的东方主义。David Hwang subverts Orientalist in the Western cultures through the artistic image of Gallimard.

就某种意义来说,像谭一样的华裔美国籍作者,不仅受东方主义论述所解放,且同时也为之影响。In a sense, a Chinese-American writer such as Tan is simultaneously empowered and caught by the Orientalist discourse.

然而,当她们让中国母亲发声时,她们总会不自觉的流露出一种东方主义的欲望与想像。As they allow the Chinese mothers to speak, they, however, unconsciously reveal an Orientalist construction of mothers.

风格上,参考了19世纪东方主义画家精美设计的荒漠中的生活图片。Stylistically, I looked toward the 19th-century Orientalist painters for their meticulous and beautifully designed images of life in the desert.

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法国东方学家承认“人类历史上最令人惊讶的事情”,事实上承认了古兰经奇迹的本质。In acknowledging this "astonishing event of human history" this French Orientalist , was in fact acknowledging the miraculous nature of the Qur'an.

由此而来的设计混合了19世纪欧洲建筑-正如蓝色海岸-和超后现代建筑与东方的细节设计。But the resulting designs are a mixture of 19th century European architecture – like the Coted'Azure – and hyper postmodern buildings with orientalist detailing.

因此所有这些问题,都来自于,赛义德对东方学研究中真理与价值之间关系的认识,他的观点来源于哪里?So all of these questions are then posed by Said's sense of the relationship between truth and value in the history of Orientalist scholarship Now where is he coming from?

赛义德在福柯话语意义上理解东方主义,把东方学知识称为“东方学话语”,从而质疑其知识合法性,这是其东方主义文化批评理沧的核心。Based on Faucault's "discourse", Edward W. Said defines orientalist as "orientalism discourse"and queries its legitimacy, which is the very core of his thought of orientalism.