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反正我左右消受不起。I bestow it right and left.

你也赐予他或她爱。You also bestow love upon her or him.

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我祈求上帝赐予你万世幸福。I pray to God to bestow your all ages happiness.

赋予友军单位纳垢的祝福。Bestow the blessings of Nurgle on an allied unit.

在绝大多数情况下,奥库斯将使用降咒术。In most situations, Orcus will select bestow curse.

同时月亮又给看它的人赠以礼物。And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.

鄙视财富大有人在,使用财富却鲜有人知。Many people despise wealth, but few know how to bestow it.

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你应多花点时间去工作而少花点时间去幻想。You should bestow more time to work and less to daydreaming.

耶稣要光照我们,祂要赐恩。Jesus wants to illuminates us, He wants to bestow graciousness.

我曾希望将临冬城赠给一个北方人,你也许记得。I had hoped to bestow Winterfell on a northman , you may recall.

历史所能颁赐的最大荣耀,就是和平缔造者这个头衔。The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.

弓、弩和投石器将此能力施加于其弹药上。Bows, crossbows, and slings bestow this power on their ammunition.

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这是因为人们给曾经对他们很重要的东西,赋予了价值。That's because they bestow value upon things that once mattered to them.

赠官是指官吏或男性平民去世后,朝廷赠与死者的官号。The government will bestow some official positions to the man who is dead.

他唯一的封赏标准就是看谁的关系和他好与坏。The only standard for him to bestow was depend on the relationship with him.

她帮着古莱斯先生把他那些乱堆着的提包安置在桌子底下。She had helped Mr. Gryce to bestow his encumbering properties beneath the table.

有时,他会遇见一些软心肠的妇人转过身来给他一个苏。It sometimes happened that kind-hearted women turned back to bestow a sou on him.

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弓,十字弓和投石索可以使它们的弹药附魔魔能之力。Bows, crossbows, and slings so enchanted bestow the fel power upon their ammunition.

激情式送礼者你喜爱馈赠礼物,而且不只是在正式场合。The Passionate Giver You love to bestow presents, and not just on official occasions.

愿你记得我献给你的情柔,让我们永远把那爱绸缪。Hope that you remember the affection I bestow you, and let our love forever be entwined.