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你得的是流感。You have the flu.

但季节性流感也是如此。But so is seasonal flu.

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这就是H3N8狗流感。It is the H3N8 dog flu.

还记得猪流感或千年虫吗?Do you remember swine flu?

我上周便打了流感预防针。I had a flu shot last week.

可能是立成感冒。It might be instamatic flu.

可能我感冒了。I think I'm catching the flu.

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李涛昨天患了流行性感冒。Li Tao got the flu yesterday.

肺炎由流感引起。Lung fever develops from flu.

医生,本人想本人得了盛行性感冒。Doctor, I think I have the flu.

为什么不能根除禽流感?Why can't bird flu be eradicated?

那一场流感把她弄得很虚弱。That bout of flu dragged her down.

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忍受着天寒地冻,也忍受着流感。Enduring the cold and also the flu.

他患了一阵子感冒,很难受。He is down with a nasty bout of flu.

我就娶妻生子﹐住下来了。I think I've come down with the flu.

微笑可以预防流感和伤风。Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

小心别传染上流感。Be careful not to be infected with flu.

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总之我得了流行性感冒,我知道是什么病,不用医生来告诉我。Anyway, I have a flu. I know what it is.

大妇诊断那病为风止性感冒。The doctor diagnosed the illness as flu.

那麽禽流感怎样杀死野鸟?Q9. So How do wild birds die of bird flu?