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晚上的照明。Illumination at night.

低清洗器液位灯发光。Washer level low lamp illumination.

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我从他的话中得到很大的启发。I found great illumination in his remark.

晚上采掘机在光照下进行作业。Excavators work with illumination at night.

图片使用莱茵伯格照明法拍摄。The image was taken using Rheinberg illumination.

照明源被认为是无穷远。The illumination source is considered at infinity.

港湾内河航标灯照明电源。Harbor inland river pharos illumination power source.

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桥梁,建筑立面,道路护栏,城市亮化。Wall, Bridge, Road protective railing , City illumination.

他具有智慧的一切光辉,却没有丝毫学究的迂腐气息。He had all the illumination of wisdom and none of its pedantry.

在大约四分钟后,射线爆的亮度逐渐下降到11.10星等。After about 4 minutes, the illumination slowly declines to 11.10.

辅助因子是气温和光照。The assistant factors were temperature and illumination intensity.

尽管有照明设施,温网也不会进行夜间比赛。Wimbledon is not a nighttime event, even if illumination is possible.

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高压钠灯是城镇道路照明的主要电光源之一。High voltage sodium lamp is the leading source of roadway illumination.

该摄像机用于短脉冲激光照明选通成像。The camera is used in gating imaging for short pulse laser illumination.

公路、铁路隧道、桥梁、广场、建筑物等泛光照明。The illumination of road, rail tunnels, bridges, squares, buildings, etc.

标定了积分球系统照度读数。Calibrated the illumination reading integration sphere light source system.

全域照明也是这篇论文的重点。Global illumination for relighting system is also emphasized in this thesis.

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修正了一个武装侦察兵的照明弹和激光指示器的热键冲突的问题。Fixed a hotkey conflict with Illumination Rounds and Laser Designator for FO.

在书法广场模式的照明用另一种元素。The pattern of squares in calligraphy is another element used in illumination.

照明光路采用反射式自准直结构。The reflected self-collimated structure is adopted in the illumination system.