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惣流·明日香·兰格雷是无所畏惧的!Sohryu Asuka Langley is afraid of nothing!

兰利机场仍然包括了另外九个风洞实验室。But Langley is still home to nine other wind tunnels.

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兰利阐述了什么是他所谓的新天文学。Langley described a science he called the new astronomy.

兰利和一位名叫查尔斯·利的工程师动手设计。Langley and an engineer , Charles Manly , began designing it.

直到1944年,兰利风洞一直是世界上最大的风洞。The Langley wind tunnel remained the world's largest until 1944.

荷马和兰利科尔耶发现它们在一九四七年死于家。Homer and Langley Collyer were found dead in their home in nineteen forty-seven.

他1995年毕业于美国空军学院,现在隶属于弗吉尼亚州兰利空军基地。A 1995 graduate of the US Air Force Academy, he is currently based at Langley AFB, Virginia.

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在兰勒和安曼之间的会面和会议联络中,一系列选择项被相关人员进行了分析。In meetings and conference calls between Langley and Amman, a series of options was weighed.

大多数兰利居民都会多多少少参与投入「谜团周末」这个如假包换的社区活动。Most Langley residents participate in some way in the Mystery Weekend, a true community event.

巴拉维是安曼征募的线人,兰勒和CIA伊斯兰堡工作站对他进行管理。Balawi was Amman’s recruit, and he was being managed by Langley and the CIA’s Islamabad station.

她平均每天吸5支烟,这辈子吸掉的香烟总数超过17万支。Since then, Winne Langley has averaged 5 cigarettes a day, a total of more than 170000 in her lifetime.

一个猎户座太空舱模型被送进位于弗吉尼亚州汉普顿NASA兰利研究中心的机库里。A mock-up of the Orion space capsule is loaded into a hangar at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.

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罗纳德·E。·基斯将军是对此话题十分关心的人员之一,他是弗吉尼亚州兰利空军基地美国空军空战司令部的最高首长。One who thinks a great deal about that issue is Gen. Ronald E. Keys, head of USAF's Air Combat Command at Langley AFB, Va.

NASA兰利研究中心的发言人迈克尔•芬纳兰针对约瑟夫博士的论文对福克斯新闻网简要地表明了他的观点。Michael Finneran, a spokesman for NASA Langley Research Center, issued a simple statement about Joseph's essay to

NASA兰利研究中心的发言人迈克尔•芬纳兰针对约瑟夫博士的论文对福克斯新闻网简要地表明了他的观点。Michael Finneran, a spokesman for NASA Langley Research Center, issued a simple statement about Joseph’s essay to

首批部署的F-15战斗机在从位于弗吉尼亚州的兰利空军基地直接飞赴沙特阿拉伯的十五个小时里需要进行7次的空中加油。The first group of deployed F-15s required seven refuelings during their fifteen-hour flight direct to Saudi Arabia from Langley AFB, Virginia.

不过美国太空总署朗利研究中心的安娜。麦高文表示,近年来,有两项发展重新挑起飞航界对大自然的兴趣。In recent years, however, two developments renewed the aviation world's interest in nature, says Anna McGowan of NASA's Langley Research Center.

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“我参加了兰利研究中心NASA总部召开的一个会议,本来只打算开半个小时却开了四个小时,”陶这样对福克斯新闻网说。“I participated in a conference at NASA headquarters in Langley that was supposed to last 30 minutes but went on for hours,” Tao told

以下购买该公司在2003年,新主人兰利集团进行了战略审查,该公司,从而导致关闭。Following the purchase of the company in 2003, new owners Langley Holdings have conducted a strategic review of the firm, resulting in the closure.

“我参加了兰利研究中心NASA总部召开的一个会议,本来只打算开半个小时却开了四个小时,”陶这样对福克斯新闻网说。“I participated in a conference at NASA headquarters in Langley that was supposed to last 30 minutes but went on for hours, ” Tao told