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的命运是多么悲惨呀!How tragical their fate is!

这都体现了一种典型的悲剧精神。All of these show a typical tragical spirit.

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这篇文章主要为我们讲述了一个男人悲惨的一生。This passage mainly tells us a tragical life of a man.

那些非常年青的吸毒者是人们所见到的最可悲的一幕。The most tragical sight of all is the very young addict.

这件事在我心里乃是全部历史中最富悲剧性的事实之一。To my mind this is one of the most tragical facts in all history.

由于这一错误的选择,庞德的悲剧性命运无法避免。Because of this wrong choice, Pound's tragical fate was inevitable.

看见奶牛场老板绝望的样子,就连克莱尔先生也开始感到悲哀起来。Even Mr Clare began to feel tragical at the dairyman's desperation.

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她的悲剧结局表明她是父权制度的受害者。Her tragical ending reveals that she is the victim of patriarchal society.

是封建礼教和宗法道德筑就了她们的悲剧命运。It was the feudal rules and patriarch moral that led to their tragical fates.

处在社交圈中是一种烦恼,而超脱出来简直是一场悲剧。Being involved in the social circle is annoying , but getting out of it is tragical.

沈从文田园牧歌式的乡土小说在平和冲淡下隐伏着悲剧意蕴。Pastoral and agrestic novel writen by Shen Congwen contained tragical consciousness.

第一部分考察了康拉德小说创作的悲剧意蕴的形成原因。The first part studied the formative reasons of the tragical significance in Conrad's novels.

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西方古典悲剧观念体现了理性主义对悲剧精神的制约。The western classical tragical conception showed the restrictions of rationalism to tragical spirit.

喜剧成分和悲剧因素相互交织,使悲剧意识得到彰显。Tragical consciousness was expressed obviously by use of intertexture of tragic and comic components.

她们的人生悲剧蕴涵着苍凉的历史真实感,读来启人深思。Their tragical lives contain a sense of bleak history reality. Reading them make readers think deeply.

杜丽娘是晚明第一个生命辎重意识觉醒的东方女性。His works-"Sneering at the tiger" tells that it is tragical for people to live without impedimenta consciousness.

总而言之,只要战争不可避免,人类不可能享受持久的和平。她们的命运是多么悲惨呀!To sum up, so long as war is unavoidcapable, people bes could not enjoy ending peace. How tragical their fate is!

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太多的幼虫在往外冲杀的时候力竭身亡,不幸成了“飞翔”这个词的悲壮祭品。So many larvae die of being worn out when they strive out, the word 'flying' being their everlasting tragical token.

“死亡”既是小说里人物情感的悲剧性特色,同时,也是作品艺术价值生成的媒介。Death is a distinguishing tragical feature of the characters in this novel and an intermediary of its artistic value as well.

同样打动人心的还有米歇尔·普拉蒂尼的话语,他是现任欧足联主席,也是那个悲剧的夜晚在海瑟尔球场上的一员。Also very heartfelt were the words of Michel Platini, current UEFA president, but on that tragical night was on the field at the Heysel.