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我要去伦敦,在布加勒斯特换飞机。Li I'm on my way to London, chaning planes at Bucharest.

布什和伯塞斯库在北约首脑会议开始前不久返回布加勒斯特。The two returned to Bucharest shortly before the summit began.

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我们将在布加勒斯特看到到底是零、一、二还是三个都得到邀请。We will see in Bucharest if zero, one, two or three will get invitations.

5月的布加勒斯特,绿树成阴,春意盎然。In May, the trees make a pleasant shade and spring is in the air in Bucharest.

布加勒斯特在齐奥塞斯库统治的最后几年,是苏联集团最黑暗的一个首都。Bucharest in the final Ceausescu years was the darkest capital of the Soviet bloc.

简单聊了几句之后,他挂断了电话,告诉我说契塔在布加勒斯特。After a brief phone conversation, he hangs up and tells me that Chita is in Bucharest.

荷兰人周二晚的进球帮助球队击败布加勒斯特获得九连胜。The Dutchman's goal secured their ninth straight win at Steaua Bucharest on Tuesday night.

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同时,贝尼特斯承认他预料在布加勒斯特是一场苦战。Meanwhile, Benitez admits he is anticipating a tough encounter against Unirea in Bucharest.

设计者利维乌主要为年轻的布加勒斯特居民设计该款车。Designer Liviu Tudoran created Dacia SHIFT specifically for the needs of young Bucharest residents.

在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的社会中心,一位正在享用热腾腾的免费餐点的妇女冲着镜头做手势。A woman gestures as she enjoys a free hot meal at a social centre in the Romanian capital Bucharest.

罗马尼亚官员表示,将有93名罗姆人乘飞机分2批被送回罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特。Romanian officials said they expected 2 flights carrying a total of 93 Roma to land in Bucharest later.

对他们来说,"成员资格行动规划"是下一步要做的事,选在什么时候走这一步是布加勒斯特首脑会议讨论的一个重要问题。MAP is the next step for them, and the timing of that step will be a key issue for the Bucharest Summit.

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从伦敦至布加勒斯特或索非亚的英航往返机票需要2500点航空里程,含税费。Return BA flights from London to Bucharest or Sofia come to 2,500 Airmiles, including taxes and charges.

在布勒彻斯特首脑峰会后,格鲁埃夫斯基在国际法院上向希腊提起诉讼。After the Bucharest summit, Mr Gruevski launched a case against it at the International Court of Justice.

报道还称,赛道的三个备选建造地点都在离布加勒斯特25至70公里的范围之内。It is said that three possible sites for the track have been identified between 25 and 70km from Bucharest.

一提到尼亚的欧冠参赛球队,除了布加勒斯特星和迪纳摩之外还有谁?Scania at the mention of the Champions League teams, in addition to Steaua Bucharest and Dynamo outside who?

这名24岁的后卫球员目前效力于欧塞尔,是从罗马尼亚的布加勒斯特迪纳摩租借到法甲球队的。The 24-year-old defender is currently playing for French side Auxerre on loan from Romanian side Dinamo Bucharest.

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在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特,一个孩子在儿童画上画花朵。Romanian child paints a flower on the world longest painting ever made by children, in Bucharest November 18, 2006.

布加勒斯特星队将是本赛季欧洲冠军联赛小组赛H组中最后一支造访埃米尔球场的球队。Steaua Bucharest will be the final team from Group H to visit Emirates Stadium in this season's UEFA Champions League.

胡锦涛是13日中午从罗马尼亚第二大城市康斯坦察飞抵首都布加勒斯特的。Hu arrived in the capital city of Bucharest on the midday of June 13 from Constanta, the second largest city in Romania.