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我叫安。I’m Ann.

玛丽安。Mary Ann.

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安能处之!Ann can about it!

安能跳得远。Ann can jump far.

安是我的朋友。Ann nis my friend.

你好。安。什么事?。Hi, Ann. What's up?

安,生日快乐。Happy birthday. Ann.

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安数学学得好吗?Is Ann good at math?

安有两个弟弟。Ann has two brothers.

你好,我叫安。Hello, my name is Ann.

汤姆和安一样高。Tom is as tall as Ann.

鲍勃和安年长一点。Bob and Ann were older.

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杰克与安订了婚。Jack is engaged to Ann.

安•卡兰从亚特兰大报道。Ann Calan, CNN, Atlanta.

安将表演弹钢琴。Ann will play the piano.

安戴着一顶新帽子。Ann is wearing a new hat.

安,你喜欢吃面条吗?Do you like noodles, Ann?

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喔,很抱歉。请问安是哪位?Oh, I'm sorry. Who's Ann?

安用拳头打他。Ann hit him with her fist.

安对数学很感兴趣。Ann is interested in math.