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鸟飞下来停在─条细树枝上。The bird alight on a twig.

屋子里点着蜡烛,亮堂堂的。The house was alight with candles.

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杰德激动得满面红光。Jed's face was alight with excitement.

去兰州的乘客在南京下车。Passengers for Lanzhou alight at Nanjing.

这辆汽车被浇上汽油点燃了。The car was doused in petrol and set alight.

啊,甜蜜的春天,从小天使翅上轻降Oh you, sweet Spring, alight from cherub's wing

杰克和奈提莉从这个传奇的坐骑上跃下。Jake and Neytiri alight from his legendary mount.

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哦,可爱的春天,乘着天使的翅膀来到人间。Oh, you, sweet Spring, alight from cherub's wing.

干燥的林下植物被炎热的太阳点燃了。The dry undergrowth was set alight by the hot sun.

一羽不能加,蝇虫不能落。A feather cannot be added, neither can a fly alight.

但如果你静静地坐下来,它便会落在你身上。But if you sit down, quietly, it will alight upon you.

我一打开,蓝光一闪,机子就烧了。I did. There was a blue flash and the set caught alight.

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在亲政府的民兵组织基地周围,一辆汽车被点燃。A car is set alight next to the pro-government militia base.

下一站系荃湾西,请用左边车门落车。The next station is Tsuen Wan West, please alight of the left.

这个刚才还点着他们还在这里糖纸?。This was alight moments ago. They're still here! Sweet wrappers?

安全官员说,塞族人随后点燃了两家阿族人的商店。Security officials said Serbs then set two Albanian shops alight.

放在一个接近真空的灯泡中,这块碳化棉线持续地点亮了半天以上。Inside a near-vacuum bulb, it stayed alight for more than half a day.

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十月的下午如此寂静,他能听到雪片飘落的声音。The waning October afternoon is so hushed, he can hear snowflakes alight.

俺想买一个中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background.

我想买一个中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。I'd like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background.