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这件羊毛套衫你穿很合身。This pullover fits you well.

我妈给我织了一件套头的毛衣。My mother knitted me a pullover.

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他的未婚妻为他织了一件套头毛衣。His fiancee knitted him a pullover.

或者干脆让他穿羊毛衫。Or he could wear a fleece pullover.

我要一件40号灰色鸡心领套衫。I'm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.

玛丽把织补过的套头衫和袜子重新叠好。Mari refolded the darned pullover and socks.

我想看一看那件新的羊毛套头衫。I'd like to look at that new woolen pullover.

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让幼儿了解穿套衫的方法,并鼓励幼儿积极尝试。Let children know the way to put on pullover.

不,我想要一件40号灰色套头衫。NO, i'm after a size 40-neek pullover in grey.

没有。我想要尺码是40号的V字领的灰色套衫。No. I'm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.

套衫连帽抽绳绑带对比。Pullover hoodie with contrast taping at drawstring.

套衫毛衣体育12号美利奴羊毛针织。Pullover sweater sports a 12-gauge merino wool knit.

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她穿一件高领套衫以御风寒。She wore a high-necked pullover to keep out the wind.

商店有的最大的灰色的V型领套衫是什么?。What is the biggest V-neck grey pullover the shop has?

这件套头毛衣我穿了几归之后就撑大了。The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.

紧身针织套衫、夹克衫或。A close-fitting knitted pullover shirt, jacket, or sweater.

套衫中山装标榜点衣领和开半门襟。Pullover tunic flaunts a point collar and open half placket.

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一条牛仔裤,一件套衫和一双帆布鞋足矣。A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough.

爸爸和妈妈想为儿子买件便宜的套头毛衣。Mother and father are trying to buy a cheap pullover for their son.

埃米莉为了把套衫织得宽些,只好多放几针。Emily had to cast on extra stitches to make the pullover wide enough.