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你可以改天做啊。You can do it someday.

我希望有一天我也能找到它。I hope I find it someday.

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有朝一日偺们会再晤面的。May we meet again someday.

我们总有一天能聚在一起。Someday we'll is together.

或许在将来的某一天。Mabe someday in the future.

那为什么不等到那一天?Why not wait until someday?

也许有一天我会。我不知道。Maybe someday. I don't know.

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有一天你能放弃它吗?Could you give it up someday?

将来我还会来看你的。I'll come to see you someday.

我们可能就会重遇。Maybe you will find me someday.

妈妈,以后我也想当个流浪汉Ma, I want to be a hobo someday.

一天我们必须打破常规。Someday we must break the cycle.

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我希望有一天她能原谅我。I hope someday she’ll forgive me.

有一天我会把你越过,风仪文雅。Im crossing you in styIe someday.

妈妈,以后我也想当个流浪汉“Ma, I want to be a hobo someday."

我说没有,还没考虑好,也许哪一天吧。I said no, not yet, maybe someday.

你看到我的手了?这双手就是掘土机。I'm gonna get out of here someday.

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我曾问过她有一天能不能把这个瓶给我。I asked if I could have it someday.

我希望有机会再去一次。I'd like to go there again someday.

有朝一日,我会衣锦还乡。I'll come back with honors someday.