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你的口气就像韩裔英国人说的。Speaking as an ethnically korean brit.

宝沙是魁北克种族最多样化的直辖市。Brossard is the most ethnically diverse municipality in Quebec.

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锡瓦的居民在种族上不同于埃及其他地区。Siwa's inhabitants are ethnically distinct from the rest of Egypt.

作为外交官,又是蒙古族人,我是个天生的游牧者,似乎一生都在不断地履新和离别之间徘徊。As a diplomat and someone who is ethnically Mongolian, I am a natural nomad.

历史上,对种族混杂的人有许多根深蒂固的种族偏见。Historically, there has been a lot of deep-seated prejudice against ethnically mixed people.

一个人从人种上来说是中国人,但实际上却又是美国人的这种概念还没有在中国农村地区得到普及。The concept of being an American who is ethnically Chinese has not yet trickled down to rural China.

在以色列,有超过一百万的人讲俄语,其中有三分之一是非犹太人。Israel is home to over one million Russian speakers, about one-third of whom are ethnically non-Jewish.

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而种族和地理上都接近于母国葡萄牙的亚速尔和马德拉则仍是葡萄牙的一部分。The Azores and Madeira, ethnically and geographically closest to the mother country, are still part of Portugal.

这里是柬埔寨种族最多样化的地区,目前有九个不同的民族聚居在这里。This region is the most ethnically diverse community in Cambodia – up to nine different ethnic groups are present.

我家并没有处在伊朗人或是法国人社区,周围也没有亲戚,但我仍然感觉到族裔特征。My family was not surrounded by an Iranian or a French community or by our relatives, but still I felt ethnically marked.

比利时北部被称为Flanders而那个地区人种是佛兰德人并且想要一个独立的Flanders国家。The north of Belgium is known as Flanders and the people of the region are ethnically Flemish and want an independent Flanders.

在青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生的一系列地震和余震造成当地砖房大面积倒塌。A series of quakes and aftershocks caused low, brick buildings in Qinghai Province's ethnically Tibetan Yushu county to collapse.

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他认为本世纪将是中国的世纪,目前他已移居新加坡,子女在那里学习普通话。He thinks this century will be China's and now lives in ethnically Chinese Singapore, where his young kids are learning Mandarin.

我认为他所说的希腊就是指外邦人,不仅仅是希腊一个民族,而是所有非犹太民族。And I think by "Greeks" he just means Gentiles, not just Greeks ethnically but anybody who wasn't a Jew is what he mainly means here.

星期五,在种族分裂的青尼罗州爆发了战斗。这个州位于苏丹与南苏丹间新的国际边界的北方。Fighting erupted in the ethnically divided Blue Nile state on Friday. The state is located north of Sudan's new international border.

UML则想要一个象征性的总统,一个直接选举的总理以及一个类似的权力下放,但只对民族色彩不那么浓厚的州而言。The UML wants a ceremonial president, a directly elected prime minister and a similar devolution, but to less ethnically -tinged states.

马来西亚是全球文化、种族与地理最多元独特的国家之一,更不用说是美不胜收。Malaysia is one of the most culturally, ethnically and geographically diverse and unique countries in the world, not to mention beautiful.

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伊斯坦布尔是世界上最大的库尔德城市,还有一些地区则和库尔德人是同源的。Never mind that Istanbul is the world’s largest Kurdish city, or that few of the provinces claimed by the Kurds are ethnically homogenous.

可以想见,这可能在高加索地区引发另一场战争或者对乌克兰的进攻,由于民族上属于俄罗斯的克里米亚半岛使其非常敏感。That might conceivably lead to another war in the Caucasus or to an attack on Ukraine, vulnerable because of the ethnically Russian Crimea.

吃上一集区域的经典,灵感来自不同种族的文化让圣菲烹饪专家食品还的。Dine on a collection of regional classics, inspired by the ethnically diverse culture that makes Santa Fe a food haven for culinary experts.