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专长于诊断并治疗骨骼畸形和伤害。An orthopedist specializes in diagnosis and treatment of deformities and injuries to bones.

“商务部”安慰你大概是指专科如骨科或头痛。Doc" Comfort will probably refer you to a specialist, such as an orthopedist or a neurologist."

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组织工程的出现,为骨科医生和骨缺损患者带来了新的希望。The tissue engineering appearance, has brought the new hope for orthopedist and the bone damage patient.

如果尝试了这些建议后疼痛还在持续,那就应该请教一下整形外科医生是否有可能出现疲劳骨折。If you try these suggestions, and your pain persists, see an orthopedist about the possibility of a stress fracture.

他想成为一名整形外科医生,带着那种一生很少遇到挫折的人才有的自信。He intends to be an orthopedist and carries himself with a confidence that comes only to those who've faced few setbacks in life.

“医生显然是社会上的弱势群体,”北京一著名医院的外科医生匿名说道。"Doctors are obviously an disadvantaged group in society, " says an orthopedist at a prestigious Beijing hospital who speaks on condition of anonymity.

有些整脊师说能给孩子治疗脊柱侧弯,可其实孩子的脊柱没有问题。你女儿的脊柱有没有侧弯,一定要找骨科医生看一看。But because some chiropractors who treat children diagnose abnormal curvatures that dont actually exist, you should have your daughter checked by an orthopedist.

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“里面仅剩3名医师——一位麻醉师,一位外科医生和一位整形外科医师——还有一些学医的学生在协助现场,”她说。"Only three doctors are remaining inside — one anesthetist, one surgeon and one orthopedist — and some medical students are trying to help the situation, " she said.

去年秋天,考虑到乔蒂的伤将会给她带来的长期后果,父母带她到一家当地医院,请伦敦来的外科医生莱姆·索尼会诊。Concerned about the long-term consequences of her injuries, last fall Jyoti's parents took her to a local hospital to meet with an orthopedist visiting from London, Dr.

我的牙齿下排由于有爆牙,引致不能正确地咬合,连上排牙的位置也受影响,吃饭时又不能正常地咀嚼,连脸部和口部也有倾斜的问题。早前看骨科医生,那医牙也建议我尽早矫正齿颚的问题。My teeth are not in normal order. That affect my chew, my face and my mouth. I met an orthopedist once and he suggested me trying orthodontia to correct my irregular teeth.