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我是个完美主义者。I’m a perfectionist.

第十四,戒掉完美主义的脾性。Get rid of your perfectionist streak.

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暗香中为你展颜一笑!Fragrance for you Perfectionist smile!

聪明绝顶的完美主义者。Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist.

有时,我希望自己称得上是完美主义者。Some days, I wish I were more of a perfectionist.

这就是为什么“成功的完美主义者”是一个矛盾体。That's why "successful perfectionist" is an oxymoron.

完美主义在你的掌控中,并让你停顿?Is the perfectionist in you taking over and paralyzing you?

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西曼斯基是一位心理学博士,并且自认是一位完美主义者。A PhD in psychology, Szymanski is a self-diagnosed perfectionist.

因生性追求完美,他以批评的眼光检验着这些古币。He examined the old coins with a critical eye, being a perfectionist.

工作做得不文雅,我是不会罢休的。I' m such a perfectionist that I won't stop until a job is well done.

太过吹毛求疵,唠叨琐碎,杞人忧天,追求完美,思想保守。Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.

他是有系统地在关注每一个事情——归根到底,他是一个完美主义者。He was methodical and careful about everything —a perfectionist to the end.

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我是个狂热的完美主义者,否则我就打造不出自己的公司。I'm a maniacal perfectionist. And if I weren't, I wouldn't have this company.

其实,他对表演十分认真,在片场是个出了名的完美主义者。In fact, he takes his acting seriously and is known to be a perfectionist on set.

对于像我这样具有完美主义倾向的人来说,这是最为困难的。This is most difficult for a person with perfectionist tendencies such as myself.

我个人像黄泰京一样也有要求完美的一面,但我并不自我中心。I do have a perfectionist side to me like hwang tae kyung. But i'm not self centred.

我完全可以像别的单人主理的店面一样造出50至100根﹐可惜我追求完美的性格不允许我这样做。I could have built 50 to 100 cues, but my perfectionist attitude will not allow that.

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但是问题又来了,如果一个完美主义者知道这些方法,却不愿意照着做呢?But the problem arises when a perfectionist knows the strategies and will not use them.

每一条棱线,每一个弧度都勾勒出完美主义者的洗练精髓。Each a curve, each a radian delineates the perfectionist washes to practice the essence.

放弃完美主义——努力做到最好,但是放弃成为一个完美主义者的倾向。Let go of perfectionism——Strive to do your best, but let go of perfectionist tendencies.